26 February 2010
Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus
Depeche mood, azi e zi de sarbatoare, rasuna muzica in boxe shi totu-i minunat
25 February 2010
23 February 2010
Back To Mine: Roots Manuva

nu ma satur de clasici cum nu ma satur de apa
Doamnelor shi Domilor, Roots Manuva, Back to his... Roots :)
Doamnelor shi Domilor, Roots Manuva, Back to his... Roots :)
Libellés :
Back to mine,
Roots Manuva
22 February 2010
19 February 2010
Skizzo Skillz - Pierdevara
chill, relax shi miau
iaka asha un inceput de weekend..
iaka asha un inceput de weekend..
18 February 2010
just a jazzy trip...
am pus nishte jazz, pu a alunga ceatsa shi poitsa shi frigul shi moleshala din oase
pu a chema caldura shi pasiunea, a la Eyes Wide Shut
pu a crea o atmosfera intima in biroul asta unde e atata lume arhicunoscuta shi nu neaparat apropiata
e binishor
shi ceaiul de barbaris ishi face efectul, shi e bine, asha cum e :)
pu a chema caldura shi pasiunea, a la Eyes Wide Shut
pu a crea o atmosfera intima in biroul asta unde e atata lume arhicunoscuta shi nu neaparat apropiata
e binishor
shi ceaiul de barbaris ishi face efectul, shi e bine, asha cum e :)
Geoff Iapp Trio - Theme From Margaret

17 February 2010
Emancipator - Safe in the steep cliffs
12 February 2010
Obadiah Parker - Where The Moon Shines
11 February 2010
Ólafur Arnalds - Eulogy for Evolution
Ólafur Arnalds - 3055
inima-i mica-mica, cat o furnica, shi-i trista shi-i speriata
sunt asha zile, zile in care totu-i strashnic shi sumbru, cand nimic nu-tsi face pofta, cand nimeni nu-tsi zambeshte, cand totul cade peste tine shi tu eshti mic shi nu potsi lupta cu asta
sunt zile in care muzica te ajuta sa te temi
nu eshti singur, nu eshti unicul
eshti la 3055 km distantsa de lumina shi caldura care era in tine ieri
eshti in casa asta intunecata, eshti atat de nu-miau
sunt asha zile, zile in care totu-i strashnic shi sumbru, cand nimic nu-tsi face pofta, cand nimeni nu-tsi zambeshte, cand totul cade peste tine shi tu eshti mic shi nu potsi lupta cu asta
sunt zile in care muzica te ajuta sa te temi
nu eshti singur, nu eshti unicul
eshti la 3055 km distantsa de lumina shi caldura care era in tine ieri
eshti in casa asta intunecata, eshti atat de nu-miau
09 February 2010
An Education OST
08 February 2010
Oscillist - Alpine Breeze
foarte ushor shi dulce
Аддис Абеба - Музыка счастья
este atata frumusetse in lume, ma conving de asta in fiece zi
ma bucur, shi zambesc, shi mi-e cald in sufletsel
ce minune-i viatsa
ma bucur, shi zambesc, shi mi-e cald in sufletsel
ce minune-i viatsa
05 February 2010
A man called adam - Estelle
azi trip cillat cu dragoste, lumina shi caldura
love comes in and fills up everywhere
love comes in and fills up everywhere
Blackdaylight - The Nin9
04 February 2010
be with what is, so what is to be, can become
VA Intelligent Toys 4
The 15 Books You Must Read in 2010

1. The Savage Detectives (F)
Author: Roberto Bolaño
Suggested by: Andrew Price, Senior Web Editor
Why read? Bolaño's wit and sexual energy flies off the page as the novel's journeymen romp through Mexico City, Barcelona, Israel, Liberia, and a desert in Northern Mexico. If you finish it in the next few months, you will be ready for its companion 2666, whose English translation is coming this year available now.
2. Anna Karenina (F)
Author: Leo Tolstoy
Suggested by: Siobhan O’Connor, Features Editor
Why read? Because you've been hearing train-related questions on Jeopardy for years, and it's finally time you got in on those jokes. It doesn't hurt that Tolstoy is an undeniable master of the written word.
3. Fast Food Nation (NF)
Author: Eric Schlosser
Suggested by: Siobhan O’Connor, Features Editor
Why read? All your friends have read it. And while you think you get the gist of its message, an overview is no substitute for a real experience—especially when we're talking about what we put into our bodies. Consider pairing with The Omnivore's Dilemma and a viewing of Food, Inc. to ensure you never look at lunch the same again.
4. Open: An Autobiography (NF)
Author: Andre Agassi
Suggested by: Ben Goldhirsh, Founder
Why read? Most media conversations regarding Agassi's memoir reduced the book two talking points: his drug use and his wig. Hot topics, sure. But they're really just footnotes in an brutally honest, thoroughly inspirational story of human endurance.
5. The Stranger (F)
Author: Albert Camus
Suggested by: Sebastian Buck, Strategy
Why read? Because it has one of the best opening lines in the history of the printed word—depending on your translation: "Mother died today. Or maybe yesterday, I don't know." And what follows is utter brilliance.
6. Point Omega: A Novel (F)
Author: Don DeLillo
Suggested by: Zach Frechette, Editor in Chief
Why read? That it's a DeLillo book set in the middle of a desert "somewhere south of nowhere," where a war adviser has gone "in search of time and space," should be compelling enough. That it's a slim 160 pages makes it rather brisk for a meditation on death. Consider pairing Point Omega with his more hefty Underworld and you've got yourself some time for pondering the subject.
7. Going Rouge: An American Nightmare (NF)
Authors: Richard Kim and Betsy Reed
Suggested by: Eric Small, VP of Product Technology
Why read? Sarah Palin wears a lot of different hats—church-goer, hockey mom, sex symbol, media-hating politician, member of the media—and Kim and Reed explore them all. Consider pairing this exploration of American obsession with Palin's own memoir for a fun game of conflicting histories.
8. Freedom (F)
Author: Jonathan Franzen
Suggested by: Patrick James, Associate Editor
Why read? The 9,000-word Freedom excerpt "Good Neighbors" that appeared in The New Yorker's June, 2009 Fiction Issue was vintage Franzen, pitting hapless middle class families against each other during two decades of gentrification in a St. Paul neighborhood. And a hilarious, teeth-baring, full-length follow-up to The Corrections is long, long overdue. (Though we'll have to wait until fall for this one.)
9. This Is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession (NF)
Author: Daniel J. Levitin
Suggested by: Tali Catz, Print Distribution Coordinator
Why read? For most of us, attempting to explain why, precisely, a certain song resonates so deeply would be an exercise in futility; it's ineffable, we might say. For Daniel Levitin, there are scientific explanations behind the rhythms, keys, and time signatures that move us, and he's willing to fill you in on them.
10. Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers (NF)
Author: Mary Roach
Suggested by: Tali Catz, Print Distribution Coordinator
Why read? Roach, a Salon and Reader's Digest columnist, has gone to great lengths to turn dead bodies into a hilarious—and thought-provoking—subject. It's probably the most informative take on a macabre topic of the past decade.
11. Strength In What Remains (NF)
Author: Tracy Kidder
Suggested by: Amanda Millner-Fairbanks, Education Editor
Why read? Kidder's Mountains Beyond Mountains is an undeniable modern classic. In Strength, the author follows Deogratias, a young medical student from the central African nation of Burundi forced to flee his home during a time of ethnic violence. The improbable journey takes the young man to New York City and back to Burundi, where he attempts to build a medical clinic. "Above all," Kidder says, "this is a book about coming to terms with memories."
12. Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives (NF)
Authors: Nicholas A. Christakis and James H. Fowler
Suggested by: Hillary Newman, Community Manager
Why read? Obesity, smoking, and happiness, Christakis and Fowler find, are all socially transmitted behaviors. That means that what you do can be determined by the people you know—as what they do is contagious. (For more, read Andrew Price's interview with Fowler.)
13. PayPal Wars (NF)
Author: Eric M. Jackson
Suggested by: Craig Shapiro, President
Why read? In a little over a decade, PayPal has become a ubiquitous service, but its birth and short life have not been without its fair share of growing pains. Industry insider Jackson recounts the turbulent history with wit, energy, and plenty of dirt.
14. Rework (NF)
Authors: David Fried and David Heinemeier Hanson
Suggested by: Craig Shapiro, President
Why read? Mark Cuban, the billionaire co-founder of HDNet and Broadcast.com and owner of the Dallas Mavericks, puts it best: "If given a choice between investing in someone who has read Rework or has an MBA, I'm investing in Rework every time. This is a must read for every entrepreneur." The book outlines the business principles behind the successful web application company and blog 37signals, and does it with grit.
15. Wisdom Book (NF)
Author: Andrew Zuckerman
Suggested by: Atley Kasky, Designer
Why read? Inspired by the idea that wisdom gained from life experience is the best gift one generation can pass down to the next, and assembled with the help of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Wisdom is a collection of stunning photography and riveting interviews with such luminaries as Clint Eastwood, Buzz Aldrin, Jane Goodall, Nelson Mandela, Yoko Ono, Madeleine Albright, Frank Gehry, and many, many more. Each copy comes with a 60-minute film.
sursa: http://www.good.is/post/the-15-books-you-must-read-in-2010
intr-o zi de joi...

am descoperit ca am 2 bloguri:
1. unicul shi irepetabilul (aproape) - asta :)
2. unul nou in tumblr.com , se cheama ca asta, arata ca asta daaaar, e altul :)
inca nush daca va trai sau va fi doar un test nereushit, vedem
03 February 2010
“We live and die and anything else is just delusion.”
Chuck Palahniuk
Lunar - Complexity Kills
02 February 2010
Tycho - Past is Prologue
Queen - Under Pressure
cand mi-e frica...
01 February 2010
sa creez iluzii
sa fac dragoste
sa cad prada
sa fac dragoste
sa cad prada
Antipop Consortium - Fluorescent Black
Oliver Koletzki feat Pyur - These habits
asha o harababura in blogu asta...
Ian Brown - F.E.A.R. (U.N.K.L.E. Remix)
mi-a venit un val shi ma gandeam la anxietate, mi-am amintit de asta
Wax Poetic - Angels (Feat. Norah Jones)
am revenit la Wax Poetic (pu album AICI, pass: musicresponsibility) shi iata enjoyesc :)
Libellés :
Norah Jones,
Wax Poetic
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