To love somebody is not just a strong feeling - it is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise. If love were only a feeling, there would be no basis for the promise to love each other forever. A feeling comes and it may go. How can I judge that it will stay forever, when my act does not involve judgement and decision? - Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving
18 December 2014
Lust is Saturday night; love is Sunday morning.
Libellés :
Aphex Twin,
Erich Fromm
17 December 2014
Libellés :
DJ Phono,
H.O.S.H. David August,
Kollektif Turnstrasse,
Ost & Kjex,
16 December 2014
too chill too fuck
Libellés :
Kollektiv Turmstrasse
12 December 2014
trece multisoara lume pe blogul asta
nu stiu de ce vine
ce gaseste
si ce ia
din toate care le scriu aici
dar va multumesc ca-mi cititi monoloagele
e misto sa stii ca nu esti chiar asa de singur
tu si taracanii tai
nu stiu de ce vine
ce gaseste
si ce ia
din toate care le scriu aici
dar va multumesc ca-mi cititi monoloagele
e misto sa stii ca nu esti chiar asa de singur
tu si taracanii tai
10 December 2014
pop s a
si pe noi ne leaga locuri
si muzici
si texte
si gesturi
si priviri
si hoinareli intelectuale
si popsaua din noi
si ne lipim de legaturile astea
ca sa nu ne despartim de noi insine
si ne tinem de fiece fir fragil
in speranta ca-l mai putem depana
aducem jertfe memoriei
ascundem faptele
le inlocuim cu naluci
aprindem focuri in inimi
trezim fluturii din stomac
noi putem orice
suntem tineri si prosti
avem toate drepturile si scuzele
Libellés :
Kyuin Shim,
09 December 2014
am vazut Contact
am ascultat si citit si gandit diverse chestii
noi suntem singuri
sau ba
noi suntem minunati
sau ba
noi suntem
sau ba
acuma tre de-l citit un pic pe badea Sagan
08 December 2014
Libellés :
Black swan,
Darren Aronofsky,
Swan Lake,
04 December 2014
Libellés :
Flight Mixtape,
Hidden orchestra
02 December 2014
In former days Bob Arctor had run his affairs differently: there had been a wife much like other wives, two small daughters, a stable household that got swept and cleaned and emptied out daily, the dead newspapers not even opened carried from the front walk to the garbage pail, on even, sometimes, read. But then one day, while lifting out an electric corn popper from under the sink, Arctor had hit his head on the corner of a kitchen cabinet directly above him. The pain, the cut in his scalp, so unexpected and undeserved, had for some reason cleared away the cobwebs. It lashed on him instantly that he didn't hate the kitchen cabinet: he hated his wife, his two daughters, his whole house, the back yard with its power mower, the garage, the radiant heating system, the front yard, the fence, the whole fucking place and everyone in it. He wanted a divorce; he wanted to split. And so he had, very soon. And entered, by degrees, a new and
somber life, lacking all of that.
Libellés :
A Scanner Darkly,
Balam acab,
Philip K. Dick
walking for miles
Hilma af Klint (1862–1944) was a Swedish artist and mystic whose paintings were amongst the first abstract art. She belonged to a group called ‘The Five’ and the paintings or diagrams were a visual representation of complex philosophical ideas.
Libellés :
Hilma af Klint,
Miles Davis
27 November 2014
legaturi primejdioase joase tulumamalui
noi suntem diferiti
si minunati
si bolnavi
si noi putem
si noi vrem
si noi ne trezim
si noi ne gruzim
si noi o iubim
pe Iulia
si minunati
si bolnavi
si noi putem
si noi vrem
si noi ne trezim
si noi ne gruzim
si noi o iubim
pe Iulia
Libellés :
William S. Burroughs
26 November 2014
— Мальчик, почему куришь в школе? Какой класс???
— Буржуазия.
— Буржуазия.
Libellés :
Max Cooper,
25 November 2014
hurt me
The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for. ~Bob Marley
Libellés :
Tibetan Healing Sounds
24 November 2014
19 November 2014
I think too much.
I think ahead.
I think behind.
I think sideways.
I think it all.
If it exists, I’ve fucking thought of it.
13 November 2014
ne nastem o bucatica: aer, apa, lumina
ne lipim de alte bucatele: parinti, realitate, conventii, sensuri, maniere, cuvinte
bucatelele conctituie un intreg relativ
pe la 30 intregul relativ se descompune
in multe bucatele: regrete, animozitati, dezamagiri, contrari, taceri, isterii
murim intr-o bucatica: carne, oase, amintiri
ne lipim de alte bucatele: parinti, realitate, conventii, sensuri, maniere, cuvinte
bucatelele conctituie un intreg relativ
pe la 30 intregul relativ se descompune
in multe bucatele: regrete, animozitati, dezamagiri, contrari, taceri, isterii
murim intr-o bucatica: carne, oase, amintiri
Libellés :
Gustav Klimt
12 November 2014
terms and conditions
1 sa nu lasi sa ti se sparga inima
2 sa nu spargi inima cuiva
3 sa nu fii indiferent
4 sa nu accepti indiferenta
5 sa vorbesti
6 sa ceri sa ti se vorbeasca
7 sa iubesti
2 sa nu spargi inima cuiva
3 sa nu fii indiferent
4 sa nu accepti indiferenta
5 sa vorbesti
6 sa ceri sa ti se vorbeasca
7 sa iubesti
09 November 2014
The greatest happiness is to know the source of unhappiness. ~Fyodor Dostoevsky
Libellés :
Irwin Weil
noi ne indragostim chiar daca stim ca va durea
noi traim chiar daca stim ca asta-i trecator
noi ne facem griji chiar daca stim ca-i inutil
noi suntem mititei, capriciosi si frumosi
noi avem probleme si dileme si griji
si avem vise ce ne tin in viata, we can
07 November 2014
we are all mad but some of us are madder
I believe the common denominator of the Universe is not harmony, but chaos, hostility and murder. ~Werner Herzog
05 November 2014
Libellés :
Animals As Leaders,
George Orwell
Libellés :
Edvard Munch
04 November 2014
i Burial
03 November 2014
citesc, ascult, caut sa invat ca sa pot intelege
nu-i usoara treaba asta cu filosofia
multi oameni s-ai gandit la multe chestii deja unele pe intelesul meu altele care ma depasesc
tare dar toti s-au gandit la "eu", la dumnezeu si la creatie sau existenta ca o stare fie naurala fie semi-magica
in fine, mi-ar fi greu sa expun toate care trec acuma prin filtrul mintii mele
am intele una - nu stiu nimic
hai sa vulgarizam un pic
nu-i usoara treaba asta cu filosofia
multi oameni s-ai gandit la multe chestii deja unele pe intelesul meu altele care ma depasesc
tare dar toti s-au gandit la "eu", la dumnezeu si la creatie sau existenta ca o stare fie naurala fie semi-magica
in fine, mi-ar fi greu sa expun toate care trec acuma prin filtrul mintii mele
am intele una - nu stiu nimic
hai sa vulgarizam un pic
TRANSCENDE vb. tr. a depăși limita cunoașterii experimentale, a realității perceptibile
The more you struggle to live, the less you live. Give up the notion that you must be sure of what you are doing. Instead, surrender to what is real within you, for that alone is sure. ~Baruch Spinoza
mai buddhist decat Buddha
tre de invatat resemnarea
mai buddhist decat Buddha
tre de invatat resemnarea
Libellés :
Baruch Spinoza,
02 November 2014
Libellés :
Massive Attack,
Vladimir Nabokov
01 November 2014
fire walk with me
Libellés :
BBC radio 6,
Kurt Cobain,
William S. Burroughs
31 October 2014
Я нашел себя. Но не того.
parca-i Borges invers
parca-l un labirint care se uita in oglinda si zambeste
parca-i tu si eu si primavara
parca-i Borges invers
parca-l un labirint care se uita in oglinda si zambeste
parca-i tu si eu si primavara
30 October 2014
mind over matter
Ходишь или сидишь, ешь или спишь, всегда наблюдай за умом, неустанно и беспрерывно.
Вот чему стоит научиться.
Вот чему стоит научиться.
29 October 2014
Да чтоб Будду разорвало от Нирваны.
eternal loop theory is back
buiucani is on fire
it shouldn't be
buiucani should be calm
calm down, buiucani
you'll be blessed
buiucani is on fire
it shouldn't be
buiucani should be calm
calm down, buiucani
you'll be blessed
Turn on, tune in, drop out.
"Turn on" meant go within to activate your neural and genetic equipment. Become sensitive to the many and various levels of consciousness and the specific triggers that engage them. Drugs were one way to accomplish this end.
"Tune in" meant interact harmoniously with the world around you - externalize, materialize, express your new internal perspectives.
"Drop out" suggested an active, selective, graceful process of detachment from involuntary or unconscious commitments. "Drop Out" meant self-reliance, a discovery of one's singularity, a commitment to mobility, choice, and change. Unhappily my explanations of this sequence of personal development were often misinterpreted to mean "Get stoned and abandon all constructive activity".
Libellés :
Dirty Pictures,
Dr. Alexander "Sasha" Shulgin,
Timothy Leary,
28 October 2014
The Buddhists say if you meet somebody and your heart pounds, your hands shake, your knees go weak, that’s not the one.
When you meet your ‘soul mate’ you’ll feel calm.
No anxiety, no agitation.
When you meet your ‘soul mate’ you’ll feel calm.
No anxiety, no agitation.
Libellés :
Brion Gysin,
William Burroughs
free all
The water has no fear of being disturbed,
Remind me that I am water.
The air holds all, with no distinction:
Why do I forget I am air?
Why do I relinquish the solid earth I am,
For a rootless, trembling mind?
How do I crumple all of space,
Into a fearful ball of fight?
Remind me again and again
I am that Love unshakeable
In the midst of chaos, in the madness of life,
Just remind me I Am… just remind me I Am
25 October 2014
sunetul noptii pe asfaltul inghetat
si daca dumnezeu e ateu
si daca dumnezeu e ateu
Libellés :
Gil Scott-Heron,
Jamie XX
nu ne cunoastem
nu ne-am vazut decat in vis
si asta nu se tine
nu ne tinem
suntem liberi si independenti
si temporari
nu ne posedam
dar undeva acolo, over the rainbow
este tunelul care ne conduce unul spre altul
statia terinus - transcendenta
coridor tapitat cu dorinte si pareri de rau
vom uita
nu ne-am vazut decat in vis
si asta nu se tine
nu ne tinem
suntem liberi si independenti
si temporari
nu ne posedam
dar undeva acolo, over the rainbow
este tunelul care ne conduce unul spre altul
statia terinus - transcendenta
coridor tapitat cu dorinte si pareri de rau
vom uita
Libellés :
Rene Magritte
24 October 2014
23 October 2014
love problems
All of our problems
exist because
some one is not loving
someone else.
It has to start with YOU.
Is there someone
you are not loving?
Are you not loved by someone?
Are you not loved by someone?
21 October 2014
Sylvia Plath
am citit The Bell Jar acu cateva zile si tare m-a impresionat fata asta
e tare speciala naratoarea, gingasa, complexa, derutata
tare mi-a amintit de mine acu zece ani
am gasit un documentar despre Plath sa vad cat de autobiografica-i lucrarea
u e
If neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time, then I'm neurotic as hell. I'll be flying back and forth between one mutually exclusive thing and another for the rest of my days.
There’s something within you that knows what to do. There is a power greater than you that knows how to take care of you without your help. All you’ve got to do is to surrender to it. Surrender your thoughts, your mind, your ego, to the current that knows the way. It will take care of you. It will take better care of you than you can ever imagine.
20 October 2014
∞ ∞ ∞
See that you create the space in which the world moves, the time in which it lasts.
Come to realize that the world is only sand.
You may play with it, you may walk on it, but don’t build your house there.
There is no journey, as such.
It may not seem so, but we are always back where we started.
What we were in essence, and what we will be in essence, is what we are in essence.
As you go about your life, don’t give 100 percent of your attention to the external world and your mind.
Keep some within.
19 October 2014
talmud muzical
nu ma pricep in muzica
muzica nu se pricepe in mine
we're even
muzica nu se pricepe in mine
we're even
Libellés :
Chet Faker,
Nicolas Jaar
18 October 2014
Si fiece por, ca
o floare, se desface
Sclipeste si
Tu esti facuta
din apa si fire de stele
Nu-ti fie frica
Esti in siguranta
Aici te poate
atinge doar fericirea
Ea se apropie de
pleoapele tale
Si le saruta cu blandete
Si toate celulele se umplu de lumina
Ca niste mici
licurici uimiti de propria lor forta
Te lipesti de
tine si te imbratisezi
Apa din tine
sclipeste, stelele vibreaza
17 October 2014
Tu esti toata apa
Apa buna si rea
Apa calma si
Cand vine vantul si ridica sedimentele din tine - te agiti
Izbucnesti in
valuri imense si te izbesti de diguri
Strivesti tot
ce-ti iese in cale
Devii de
neconsolat si de neinteles
Cand gasesti impacarea si soarele – te linistesti
Masa ta blanda si
limpede acopera realitatea si o mangaie
Ochii tai
albastri vad lumea asa cum este ea defapt
Integra si
cumpatata, transparenta
Apa din tine e
agitata astazi
Starneste ganduri
Porneste fictiuni
Cand apa va tacea, totul iti va aparea infinit
Gingasia lumii
va reveni atunci cand apa din tine isi va regati transparenta
Esti o apa
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