28 August 2016

s’ennuie-t-on parfois l’un de l’autre?


LA NUIT, quand le pendule de l'amour balance
entre Toujours et Jamais,
ta parole vient rejoindre les lunes du cœur
et ton œil bleu,
d'orage tend le ciel à la terre.

~Around April 19/20 1970 Celan went from the bridge into the Seine and though a strong swimmer, drowned unobserved~

27 August 2016

25 August 2016

king of my castle! like a boss

Very often approaches to the periodisation of the history of French are dominated by particular metaphors. Sometimes these are architectural: the language is viewed as a castle which has its rough foundations laid in the ninth century, becomes a feudal fortress in the thirteenth, a Renaissance château in the sixteenth, and a symmetrical Classical edifice a century later.

24 August 2016

A Tornado Warning has been issued for Monroe County.

The death of one individual becomes both fundamental and necessary for the survival of the many.
~ Brigitte Cazelles sur "La vie de Saint Alexis"

23 August 2016


nu aduce anul cat aduce dimineata

termen de valabilitate - pedetot

19 August 2016

hai Ku

uneori ploua
broasca sta calm pe piatra
si plange incet

18 August 2016

wings of Peter

When the child was a child, it was the time for these questions:
Why am I me, and why not you?
Why am I here, and why not there?
When did time begin, and where does space end?