15 December 2017

09 December 2017

Einstein On The Beach

postcolonial stress


Mornophobe et jouissophile

elementele care ne-au unit s-au evaporat
celulele care s-au lipit au murit
ochii nu-si mai amintesc de fata ta
urechele nu-ti mai stiu vocea
mirosul tau nu l-as mai recunoaste
papilele gustative ti-ai uitat gustul
si totusi a ramas ceva
un curcubeu care iese din suflet
si ajunge intre blocuri
acolo unde balcoanele dau spre mare
si serile miros a iarba
si stelele sunt tacute
si sunt multe variante
si raspunsuri corecte
degetel pe urechiusa

03 December 2017


cand te indragostesti
cand ti se intampla sa-ti fie cald in suflet
cand totul incepe sa arate ca o casa curata si insorita
cand sufletul ti-e in pace si-ti rozi unghiile doar pentru ca esti stresata de lucru
this is life, life immortality


13 November 2017


am crezut c-am pierdut
tare multa vreme am crezut asta
apoi hop! am realizat ca am castigat

tare miau

10 November 2017

06 November 2017


eu cred in tine pentru ca tu esti adevarat
tu esti adevart pentru ca eu cred in tine

04 November 2017

nowness, newness, cafeness, lovelessness

e trist cand oamenii pleaca
dar fiecare amintire are cate un cantec, nu?

diminetile in care mergeam la Iasi si ascultam Woon tot drumul
pe jos de la Costin la Creanga
prin roua si polen

nu mai e dar e
frumos si trist
si gata

2017 se termina, ce chestie

02 November 2017

iar Racine

am inteles (de la el) ca eu aleg daca-i elegie sau tragedie
asta-i basm

30 October 2017

vertical: La venue à l’écriture

invat sa citesc si sa scriu si sa adorm tarziu si sa traiesc fara invat

26 October 2017


ne uitam la Columbo
in fiece seara
eu stiu
tu stii
el stie

22 October 2017

intr-un ceas bun

C’est l’histoire d’un homme qui tombe d’un immeuble de 50 étages. Le mec, au fur et à mesure de sa chute, il se répète sans cesse pour se rassurer : « Jusqu’ici tout va bien... Jusqu’ici tout va bien... Jusqu’ici tout va bien. » Mais l’important, c’est pas la chute. C’est l’atterrissage.

liberté négative

parca sunt in pace totu-i normal nimic nu doare vine si pleaca valul de marasm I'm a sinner you know the song bim 

20 October 2017

19 October 2017

11 October 2017


Tout a été dit, mais comme personne n'écoute, il faut toujours répéter.

28 September 2017

25 September 2017

Two things inspire me to awe: the starry heavens above and the moral universe within

02 September 2017

we are born to grow old, to grow weak, and to be sick

We must patiently suffer the laws of our condition; we are born to grow old, to grow weak, and to be sick, in despite of all medicine. 'Tis the first lesson the Mexicans teach their children; so soon as ever they are born they thus salute them: "Thou art come into the world, child, to endure: endure, suffer, and say nothing." 'Tis injustice to lament that which has befallen any one which may befall every one.

26 August 2017


All the things happening in the world, in all times, have their own parallels in the classical period. This happens because those things are produced by men, who have and always have had the same passions; and therefore, by necessity, those same things produce the same effects

24 August 2017

Dasein - caut sa inteleg ... Being In The World

Platon - obiectele perfecte sunt ideile. noi, in calitatea noastra de creaturi rationale, tre sa stam si sa le contemplam
Descartes - nu poti fi sigur de nimic decat de propria ta existenta de asta stai si te uita in mod indoielnic dar sistematic cum se intampla lucrurile
Heidegger -  noi suntem fiinte in lume si interactionam cu ea deci tre sa dezvoltam abilitati de a fi in lume

...ma mai gandesc

15 August 2017


le Québec - laboratoire culturel de la postmodernité.
"l'existence d'une violence coloniale (l'appropriation violente d'un continent par un pays européen)"
le mentir-vrai du romanesque
bricolage identitaire

éthnicité fictive
Régine ROBIN

31 July 2017


ma uit la Hammershoi il ascult pe Big ma gruzesc multumesc

26 April 2017


Paul Celan, Renverse du souffle, traduit de l’allemand par J.-P. Lefebvre, Ed. du Seuil, Coll. Points, Paris, 2003

balena verde

spune cuiva ca-l iubesti de 50 de ori pe zi
repeta zilnic
voila, ai catigat!

25 April 2017


In lovely blue the steeple blossoms
With its metal roof. Around which
Drift swallow cries, around which
Lies most loving blue.
The sun, High overhead, tints the roof tin,
But up in the wind, silent,
The weathercock crows.

21 April 2017

слишком рано

- У вашего "Мыслителя" вид человека, который, начав мыслить, недоволен тем, что видит вокруг себя.- сказал Буше. 
- Вы правы,- согласился Огюст.- Видимо, я сказал больше чем хотел. Я все больше убеждаюсь что человек начал мыслить слишком рано, еще не будучи к этому подготовленным. 

it does

17 April 2017

Schopenhauer’s nihil negativum

“Haino’s performance is an example of the radically unhuman aspect of Cosmic Pessimism, the impersonal affect of dread described by Kierkegaard as “antipathic sympathy and sympathetic antipathy.” So, Black is Myself also manages to be mystical at the same time that the individual performer is dissolved into a meshwork of tones – voice, space, and instrument variously existing in consonance and dissonance with each other. So, Black is Myself is a reminder of the metaphysical negation that is also at the core of black metal, as if Schopenhauer’s nihil negativum were rendered as musical form, ultimately negating even itself in a kind of musical antiform.” 
~Eugene Thacker. “In the Dust of This Planet.”

12 April 2017


Hyperobjects simply enable us to see what is generally the case:
(1) Protagoras notwithstanding, objects are not made-to-measure for humans.
(2) Objects do not occur “in” time and space, but rather emit spacetime.
(3) Causality does not churn underneath objects like a machine in the basement, but rather  oats in front of them.
(4) The causal dimension, in which things like explosions are taken to happen, is also the aesthetic dimension, in which things like Nude Descending a Staircase are taken to happen.

rocks rock

it's like we have there different versions of ourselves competing to be us

10 April 2017

ah Claude, t'es merveilleux

“Le but de ce livre [Mythologiques 1 : Le cru et le cuit] est de montrer comment des catégories empiriques, telles que celles de cru et de cuit, de frais et de pourri, de mouillé et de brûlé, etc., définissables avec précision par la seule observation ethnographique et chaque fois en se plaçant au point de vue d'une culture particulière, peuvent néanmoins servir d'outils conceptuels pour dégager des notions abstraites et les enchaîner en propositions.”
~ Claude Levi-Strauss

01 April 2017


si-au fost zile cand te-am inteles
si-au fost zile cand te-am simtit
si-au fost zile cand ai lipsit

ele toate pot fi adunate
si scazute
si impartite

dar nu sunt
ele s-au multiplicat

si cand ascult Yamunā Tīra Vihāri
e mereu un fel de mai mult ca perfect
a fost o zi in care nu ai fost

in ziua aia nu eram nici eu.
zilele vin si pleaca
doar pietrele vorbesc

agains thanatopolitics, for perestroika, against necropolitics, for vodka

27 March 2017



21 March 2017


Isaac Newton discovered gravity in 1687
before that people could fly

19 March 2017

Michel Foucault - Sécurité, territoire, population, 1978 (Audio Archive)

ps. http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/frenchculture.html
note to self: de-l bagat in youtube

07 February 2017

God is a Lobster

In Kafka, it is impossible to separate the erection of a great paranoid bureaucratic machine from the installation of little schizo machines of becoming-dog or becoming-beetle. 

de physis à tekhnè ou de physis à nomos

05 February 2017


Le défini est donc impliqué dans le définissant de la définition.

31 January 2017

Métonymie, métaphore, miau

La métaphysique — mythologie blanche qui rassemble et réfléchit la culture de l'Occident: l'homme blanc prend sa propre mythologie, l'indo-européenne, son logos, c'est-à-dire le mythos de son idiome, pour la forme universelle de ce qu'il doit vouloir encore appeler la Raison. Ce qui ne va pas sans guerre.
Jacques Derrida, Marges de la philosophie, 1971, p. 254

27 January 2017

la multi ani Tricky!

also "I am happy to inform you that the faculty have decided to award you the MA degree and admit you into the PhD program." pompom

23 January 2017


citesti Deleuze si te gandesti la ghimbir :)
ce miau

22 January 2017

formalismul rusesc in actiune

literature - organized violence committed on ordinary speech

18 January 2017


Every concept is inscribed in a chain or in a system within which is refers to the other, to other concepts, by means of the systematic play of differences.

01 January 2017

bon matin

“Putting my hand in someone else’s has always been my definition of happiness. Before I fall asleep, often - in that small struggle not to lose consciousness and go into the greater world - often, before I get up the courage to go into the vastness of sleep, I pretend that someone has my hand in theirs, and then I go, go to that enormous absence of form that is sleep. And when even after that I don’t have courage, I dream.” ― Clarice Lispector