27 May 2010

Flying Lotus - Tea Leaf Dancers (Rae Davis Remix)

de la albumul lui Rae Davis (de scos neaparat de aici) am ajuns la mixul asta al lui shi m-am bucurat, tare

26 May 2010


aici shi acum

Shulman - The Unexpected Visitor

close your eyes
open your chakras
look the Universe deep within His soul
travel into His lungs
feel His strength
enjoy the ride
the ride's the journey called life

25 May 2010

Terence McKenna

Terence Kemp McKenna (November 16, 1946 – April 3, 2000) was an American author, public speaker, metaphysician, psychonaut, philosopher, ethnobotanist, art historian, and self-described anarchist, anti-materialist, environmentalist, feminist, Platonist and skeptic. During his lifetime he was noted for his knowledge of psychedelics, metaphysics, plant-based entheogens, shamanism, mysticism, Hermeticism, Neoplatonism, biology, geology, physics, phenomenology, and his concept of novelty theory.
iaka Terence povesteshte...

My notion of what the psychedelic experience is for is that we each must become like fishermen, and go out on to the dark ocean of mind, and let your nets down into that sea. And what you're after is not some behemoth, that will tear through your nets, follow them and drag you in your little boat, you know, into the abyss, nor are what we're looking for a bunch of sardines that can slip through your net and disappear. Ideas like, "Have you ever notice that your little finger exactly fits your nostril", and stuff like that. What we are looking for are middle size ideas, that are not so small that they are trivial, and not so large that they're incomprehensible. That middle size ideas that we can wrestle into our boat and take back to the folks on shore, and have fish dinner. And every one of us when we go into the psychedelic state, this is what we should be looking for. It's not for your elucidation, it's not part of your self-directed psychotherapy. You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do, is to bring back a new idea, because our world is in danger by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness. And so to whatever degree any one of us, can bring back a small piece of the picture and contribute it to the building to the new paradigm, then we participate in the redemption of the human spirit, and that after all it what it's really all about.

The Cinematic Orchestra - Channel 1 Suite

imi ies lacrimi cand ascult piesa asta, fabuloasa!!!
albumul este aici!


iaka'sha o poveste

Retro mood

mood foarte retro, de Portishead sau Tricky sau Massive Attack pe casete, sau Depeche Mode sau Prodigy
ce tari erau vremurile alea, of!

24 May 2010

Trip-Hop Classics : Trip-Hop Classics 1993-2009

el nu moare niciodata, revine iar shi iar valul aici :*


01. Thievery Corporation - The Richest Man In 03:51
02. Tricky - Evolution Revolution Love 04:04
03. DJ Cam - Dieu Reconnaitra Les Siens 05:55
04. Aim Feat. Kate Rogers - Sail 05:41
(Rae & Christian Remix)
05. Smith & Mighty - Same 03:57
06. The Cinematic Orchestra - Channel One Suite 05:45
07. Ursula Rucker - Supa Sista 04:24
(Modaji Downlow Mix)
08. Amon Tobin - Easy Muffin 05:02
09. Kruder & Dorfmeister - Black Baby 05:53
10. IO - Claire 05:55
11. Hamid Baroudi - Trance Dance 04:04
(DJ Krush Remix)
12. DJ Vadim - Manchester 03:14
13. Plaid Feat. Bjork - Lilith 04:40
14. Sofa Surfers - Container (Howie B Remix) 07:12
15. The Mighty Bop - Feeling Good 04:14
16. Kid Koala & Money Mark - Carpal Tunnel 04:44


01. Nightmares On Wax - Les Nuits 06:18
02. Tosca - Chocolate Elvis 05:00
03. Air - J'ai Dormi Sous L'Eau 05:42
04. Tek 9 - The Friday Takeaway Order 04:05
05. Wax Tailor - Sometimes 03:42
06. Kid Loco - Theme From The Graffiti Artist 04:49
07. Sporto Kantes - Lee 02:56
08. Nitin Sawhney - Last Train To Midnight 03:40
09. Boards Of Canada - Peacock Tail 05:08
10. Terranova - No Peace 03:30
11. Dj Food - Turtle Soup (Wagon Christ Mix) 07:49
12. Etienne De Crecy - Affaires Faire 05:48
13. Afterlife - Black Iris 04:25
14. Cirkus feat. Neneh Cherry - You're Such 04:05
15. Autechre - Lowride 07:09
16. Craig Armstrong - Weather Storm 03:51

moments of truth

there's a force making the world turn and people meet, faster, higher, better, stronger, deeper
we need to help and protect it
it's deep within us, it's the guiding light we need to survive
enjoy it, its light and love and care, just take a sip of the truth :*

13 May 2010

Paco de Lucia - Entre dos Aguas

... and at the end of the concert, the guitar had an orgasm.

Tricky - You Don't

nu ma bucura, nu ma intristeaza, nu ma lasa indiferenta..

12 May 2010

UNKLE - Follow Me Down


Dead Can Dance - Song of the Dispossessed

the river is deep and the road is long,
daylight comes and I want to go home.

awoke this morning
to find my people's tongues were tied
and in my dreams
they were given books to poison their minds.

the river is deep and the mountain high,
how long before the other side.

we are their mortar,
their building bricks and their clay.
their gold teeth mirror
both our joys and our pain.

the river is deep and the ocean wide,
who will teach us how to read the signs.

the Earth is our Mother
she taught us to embrace the light,
now the Lord is Master
she suffers an eternal night.

you blocked up my ears,
you plucked out my eyes,
you cut out my tongue,
you fed me with lies,

oh Lord.

08 May 2010

Le Mix De Léo

ei a fost o data o perioada in care am trait la Paris, shi acolo, pe langa multe chestii nocive, am descoperit shi multa muzica tare miau
o parte din ea mi-a insorit viatsa shi imi amintesc de ea abia acuma shi iata am hotarat sa sharuies
era asha un CD dublu care se numea Le Mix De Léo, Léo fiind un fel de animatoro-DJ care a hotarat sa faca un mix pozitivat
nu am posheta, nu am mult info decat ce este aici shi de asta voi lua piesele care sunt in youtube shi-mi placeau mai mult de pe album shi le voi baga ca sa putem zbura, iaka'sha! :*

Black Science Orchestra - Keep On Keepin' On

Miguel Migs - Take Me To Paradise (Trouble Men Vocal)

DJ Chus & David Penn ft. Daren J Bell - Sunshine (Mediterranean Vocal Mix)

Mutiny UK feat. D-Empress - New Horizons (Class A Vocal Mix)

Kim English - Higher Things (Maurice Joshua Original Version)

Gregg Braden - The Holographic Nature of The Universe

interesant discursul asta, foarte interesant, in special despre rezonantsa colectiva
vreau sa cred in asta, tare

07 May 2010

stare nevertebrata...

cu pareri de rau parca..
cu tristetsi shi furii surde
cu tresariri scurte
shi reveniri fugitive la realitate
un pic zombata
sau vrajita
ciudat amalgam..
cred ca-s emotiva...

Fenomenon - Pacific Memories: The Early Tapes

pentru ca muzica e regina in sufletul meu, nu e zi in care sa nu caut noi raze ale stralicirii ei
astazi: Fenomenon - Pacific Memories: The Early Tapes
un future jazz shi downtempo cu miros de soare, vantishor shi plaja care incanta urechile


06 May 2010


Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. - Buddha

Berry Weight - Music For Imaginary Movies

incantator albumul!
in spercial piesa 3 "The Day Nothing Happened"incredibila!

merci Doinitsa :* aici

Novika - Tricks Of Life

de cele mai dese ori, muzica se furisheaza in urechile mele shi sta ascunsa acolo pana am eu vreme s-o ascult cu inima, asha e shi de data asta cu Novika
albumul e aici, sa-l ascultam impreuna, sa vedem ce ne povesteshte :*

05 May 2010

Carbon Based Lifeforms

imaginea de pe situl la Carbon Based Lifeforms, pe care o putetsi vedea accesand situ , m-a vrajit, ma tot uit la ea de jumate de ora shi in suflet simt imensa bucurie a albulului nou, Interpoler, cares e trage acuma incet shi sigur
bucurie mare in sat la noi :*

Plaid - Chasend

am gasit totushi torrentu cu OST-ul de la Renaissance dar se trage pana la 99.6% shi se opreshte shi-i trist tare :(, pana una-alta Plaid

04 May 2010

A S M (A State Of Mind) - Platypus Funk

Wax Taylor ne saruta cu asta:

album nou ASM cu o lista de invitatsi mai mult decat fermecatoare: Dj Vadim, Bonobo, Mattic, Sadat X, Wildchild, Kidkanevil...
va putetsi bucura urechile de aici

if it's too loud you're too old

citata zilei:

Oscillist - What We Left Behind

a venit și luna mai, veniam de pe drum să scriu tare multe și colorate despre ce a trecut și ce ne așteaptă dar m-am răzgândit, acuma doar dor și muzică, Oscillist - What We Left Behind