29 September 2010
Ambeon - Cold Metal
do you remember the time?
idei de offline-uri
s-a pornit valul in Facebook shi s-a gandit cris "de ce sa nu merg mai departe?"
deci nume de offline-uri pe care vreau sa le traiesc:
- "muzica buna, oameni luminoshi, vibratsii pozitive shi caldurica in suflet offline"
- "intr-o seara de sambata, in adrmiral, la o masa, de manutse offline"
- "sub plapumitsa, la cald, cu un pahar de izvar shi un film bun offline"
- "in padure, la foc, cu prietenii, cu ganduri luminoase shi cuvinte dulci offline"
- "pe plaja, la soare, cu porumb fiert shi bere offline"
- "in pijamitsa, cu Moderat, cu Facebook, cu o bere shi cu prietenii online offline"
- "muzica buna, oameni luminoshi, vibratsii pozitive shi caldurica in suflet offline"
- "intr-o seara de sambata, in adrmiral, la o masa, de manutse offline"
- "sub plapumitsa, la cald, cu un pahar de izvar shi un film bun offline"
- "in padure, la foc, cu prietenii, cu ganduri luminoase shi cuvinte dulci offline"
- "pe plaja, la soare, cu porumb fiert shi bere offline"
- "in pijamitsa, cu Moderat, cu Facebook, cu o bere shi cu prietenii online offline"
- "in Black, cu bere, cu rock, cu prieteni si cu amintiri offline"
- "la citron cu ceai, prieteni shi maslinshi 10 ore offline"
- "la citron cu ceai, prieteni shi maslinshi 10 ore offline"
mai adug cum imi vin, mia adaugatsi shi voi cum va vine :)

Ninja Tune XX - Xxclusives 1
28 September 2010
Coldcut - Bare Leaves
requiem for autumn
Flying Lotus - MmmHmm
Flying MmmHmm Lotus
The Bug - Catch a Fire
nicely done
Shepard Fairey
21 September 2010
Dictionnaire des symboles
Libellés :
Dictionnaire des symboles
18 September 2010
Tricky - A Ruff Guide

A Ruff Guide is a compilation album by Tricky, with songs from the albums released during the Island Records period. It was released in 2002.
"Aftermath" (Version One)
"Poems" (Edit)
"For Real"
"Black Steel" (Radio Edit)
"Pumpkin" (Edit)
"Broken Homes"
"Wash My Soul"
"I Be the Prophet" (With Drums)
"Makes Me Wanna Die"
"Tricky Kid"
"Scrappy Love"
"Ponderosa" (Original 7" Edit)
"Hell Is Around the Corner"
"Singing the Blues"
16 September 2010
Shulman - In Search of a Meaningful Moment

sa uitam de noi, pu o ora
sa fim una cu Gaïa
ea ne va canta de leagan
pu a scoate albumul aici
ps, imaginea-i de la Ratti Rondolino, o fata care face chestii minunate
The Streets - Blinded By The Lights (Live Lounge)
no swearingdownload mp3
15 September 2010
Tricky - Piece Of Me
every Britney has a Tricky
13 September 2010
Bill Hicks - A Possitive LSD Story on The News
Wouldn't you like to see a positive LSD story on the news? To base your decision on information rather than scare tactics and superstition?, perhaps? Wouldn't that be interesting? Just for once?
"Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration – that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather."
"Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration – that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather."
Tricky - Mixed Race
08 September 2010
CocoRosie - Grey oceans (2010)
07 September 2010
Dead Can Dance - Cantara
please, Dead Can Dance me till the end of times!
06 September 2010
framantari cotidiene
sa fii gospodina
sa shtii sa faci mancare
sa fii sanatoasa (shi fertila)
sa fii mereu multuminta
sa accepti totul shi toate ca o normalitate
shi daca-i tare rau - sa te revolti prin munca
sau prin greva interioara
sau prin taierea venelor in baie
sau prin uitare
sa fii deshteapta
sa fii cumsecade
dar nu se cade daca eu vreau doar sa fiu luminoasa? sa nu pun intrebari shi sa nu caut raspunsuri?
ce se intampla daca atunci cand mi-e rau nu vreau sa ma revolt sau sa rabd ci sa plec
shi daca eu am dreptate
shi tu pur shi simplu gandeshti altfel decat mine
shi daca gandirea ta e buna
shi daca shi a mea e buna
shi daca noi toti suntem deshtepti shi perfecti
da-mi un motiv sa nu mai cred in ce sunt shi sa te cred pe tine
shi-ti voi da o suta
shi-ti voi explica ca sunt perfecta asha cum sunt
cu defectele mele
cu durerile shi bucuriile mele
sunt fericita sa fiu eu
la asta ma tins
merci ca m-ai ajutat sa inteleg asta
sa fii gospodina
sa shtii sa faci mancare
sa fii sanatoasa (shi fertila)
sa fii mereu multuminta
sa accepti totul shi toate ca o normalitate
shi daca-i tare rau - sa te revolti prin munca
sau prin greva interioara
sau prin taierea venelor in baie
sau prin uitare
sa fii deshteapta
sa fii cumsecade
dar nu se cade daca eu vreau doar sa fiu luminoasa? sa nu pun intrebari shi sa nu caut raspunsuri?
ce se intampla daca atunci cand mi-e rau nu vreau sa ma revolt sau sa rabd ci sa plec
shi daca eu am dreptate
shi tu pur shi simplu gandeshti altfel decat mine
shi daca gandirea ta e buna
shi daca shi a mea e buna
shi daca noi toti suntem deshtepti shi perfecti
da-mi un motiv sa nu mai cred in ce sunt shi sa te cred pe tine
shi-ti voi da o suta
shi-ti voi explica ca sunt perfecta asha cum sunt
cu defectele mele
cu durerile shi bucuriile mele
sunt fericita sa fiu eu
la asta ma tins
merci ca m-ai ajutat sa inteleg asta
Pulp Fiction mood
Jules: Do you know what they call a Quarter Pounder with cheese in France?
Brett: No.
Jules: Tell him, Vincent.
Vincent: Royale with cheese.
Jules: Royale with cheese. Do you know why they call it a Royale with cheese?
Brett: Because of the metric system?
Jules: Check out the big brain on Brett. You one smart motherfucker.
Brett: No.
Jules: Tell him, Vincent.
Vincent: Royale with cheese.
Jules: Royale with cheese. Do you know why they call it a Royale with cheese?
Brett: Because of the metric system?
Jules: Check out the big brain on Brett. You one smart motherfucker.
Libellés :
Pulp Fiction,
Quentin Tarantino
03 September 2010
Movies with quantum~similar flicks
pe situl Quantonics am gasit lista asta shi m-am gandit ca merita sharuita :)
6th Sense
84 Charing Cross Road
A Beautiful Mind
A Rumor of Angels
Aeon Flux
Andromeda Strain
Angels and Insects
Auggie Rose
Bagger Vance
Bee Season
Beyond Death
City of Lost Children
Dead Poet's Society
6th Sense
84 Charing Cross Road
A Beautiful Mind
A Rumor of Angels
Aeon Flux
Andromeda Strain
Angels and Insects
Auggie Rose
Bagger Vance
Bee Season
Beyond Death
City of Lost Children
Dead Poet's Society
Forever Young
City of Angels
Made in Heaven
Fabulous Baker Boys
Great Debaters, The
Long Summer
Message in a Bottle
Never Ending Story
Noah Dearborn, Simple Life of
Pay it Forward
Photographing Fairies
Price Above Rubies
Quiet Earth
Red Violin
Sea People
Secret of Roan Inish
The Eye
The Wall
What Dreams May Come
Source: Quantonics
Forever Young
City of Angels
Made in Heaven
Fabulous Baker Boys
Great Debaters, The
Long Summer
Message in a Bottle
Never Ending Story
Noah Dearborn, Simple Life of
Pay it Forward
Photographing Fairies
Price Above Rubies
Quiet Earth
Red Violin
Sea People
Secret of Roan Inish
The Eye
The Wall
What Dreams May Come
Source: Quantonics
KT Tunstall - I Want You Back (Jackson 5 cover)
am fost, am vezut, am cashtigat premiul mare si acuma ma bucur
Libellés :
Jackson 5,
KT Tunstall
02 September 2010
Itzhak Bentov - From Atom to Cosmos
"Our brains do not produce thoughts, but are devices for amplifying thoughts by using the opposing forces of good and evil to stimulate the evolution of consciousness." - Itzhak Bentov.
La vache!
L'écrivain J.G. Ballard est mort
Le chanteur Michael Jakson est mort
L'actrice Farrah Fawcett est morte
L'acteur américain Patrick Swayze est mort
La chanteuse argentine Mercedes Sosa est morte
Irving Penn, un géant de la photographie, est mort
L'ethnologue Claude Lévi-Strauss est mort
La chanteuse Lhasa est morte
Le chanteur Mano Solo est mort
L'écrivain américain Eric Segal est mort
Le styliste Alexander McQueen est mort
L'écrivain espagnol Miguel Delibes est mort
Jean Ferrat est mort
Dorothy Height, figure historique du mouvement des droits civiques, est morte
L'écrivain et diplomate Pierre-Jean Rémy est mort
La pianiste Yvonne Loriod est morte
L'éditeur Robert Laffont est mort
L'acteur et réalisateur Dennis Hopper est mort
Le peintre Sigmar Polke est mort
Le comédien Bernard Giraudeau est mort
Le compositeur et saxophoniste Willem Breuker est mort
Le comédien Philippe Avron est mort
Le comédien Bruno Cremer est mort
L'écrivain Patrick Cauvin est mort
Le réalisateur Alain Corneau est mort
La photographe Corinne Day est morte.
Le chanteur Michael Jakson est mort
L'actrice Farrah Fawcett est morte
L'acteur américain Patrick Swayze est mort
La chanteuse argentine Mercedes Sosa est morte
Irving Penn, un géant de la photographie, est mort
L'ethnologue Claude Lévi-Strauss est mort
La chanteuse Lhasa est morte
Le chanteur Mano Solo est mort
L'écrivain américain Eric Segal est mort
Le styliste Alexander McQueen est mort
L'écrivain espagnol Miguel Delibes est mort
Jean Ferrat est mort
Dorothy Height, figure historique du mouvement des droits civiques, est morte
L'écrivain et diplomate Pierre-Jean Rémy est mort
La pianiste Yvonne Loriod est morte
L'éditeur Robert Laffont est mort
L'acteur et réalisateur Dennis Hopper est mort
Le peintre Sigmar Polke est mort
Le comédien Bernard Giraudeau est mort
Le compositeur et saxophoniste Willem Breuker est mort
Le comédien Philippe Avron est mort
Le comédien Bruno Cremer est mort
L'écrivain Patrick Cauvin est mort
Le réalisateur Alain Corneau est mort
La photographe Corinne Day est morte.
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inspire yourself ☼
- Ambeon - Cold Metal
- idei de offline-uri
- Ninja Tune XX - Xxclusives 1
- Coldcut - Bare Leaves
- Flying Lotus - MmmHmm
- The Bug - Catch a Fire
- Shepard Fairey
- Dictionnaire des symboles
- Dictionar De Motive Si Simboluri Literare
- Tricky - A Ruff Guide
- Shulman - In Search of a Meaningful Moment
- The Streets - Blinded By The Lights (Live Lounge)
- Tricky
- Tricky - Piece Of Me
- Bill Hicks - A Possitive LSD Story on The News
- Tricky - Mixed Race
- CocoRosie - Grey oceans (2010)
- Dead Can Dance - Cantara
- framantari cotidiene
- Pulp Fiction mood
- Movies with quantum~similar flicks
- KT Tunstall - I Want You Back (Jackson 5 cover)
- Itzhak Bentov - From Atom to Cosmos
- La vache!