16 December 2016


daca as avea mai multe urechi sa te ascult, o Manu
pacat de lipsa mea de urechi si lipsa ta de viata

sublime solitude

also, cum scrii despre colonialism cand nu stii cum sa scrii despre colonialism?

nervous breakdown loading

06 November 2016



Sometimes the notes are ferocious,
skirmishes against the author
raging along the borders of every page
in tiny black script.
If I could just get my hands on you,
Kierkegaard, or Conor Cruise O'Brien,
they seem to say,
I would bolt the door and beat some logic into your head.

Other comments are more offhand, dismissive -
'Nonsense.' 'Please! ' 'HA! ! ' -
that kind of thing.
I remember once looking up from my reading,
my thumb as a bookmark,
trying to imagine what the person must look like
why wrote 'Don't be a ninny'
alongside a paragraph in The Life of Emily Dickinson.

Students are more modest
needing to leave only their splayed footprints
along the shore of the page.
One scrawls 'Metaphor' next to a stanza of Eliot's.
Another notes the presence of 'Irony'
fifty times outside the paragraphs of A Modest Proposal.

Or they are fans who cheer from the empty bleachers,
Hands cupped around their mouths.
'Absolutely,' they shout
to Duns Scotus and James Baldwin.
'Yes.' 'Bull's-eye.' 'My man! '
Check marks, asterisks, and exclamation points
rain down along the sidelines.

And if you have managed to graduate from college
without ever having written 'Man vs. Nature'
in a margin, perhaps now
is the time to take one step forward.

We have all seized the white perimeter as our own
and reached for a pen if only to show
we did not just laze in an armchair turning pages;
we pressed a thought into the wayside,
planted an impression along the verge.

Even Irish monks in their cold scriptoria
jotted along the borders of the Gospels
brief asides about the pains of copying,
a bird signing near their window,
or the sunlight that illuminated their page-
anonymous men catching a ride into the future
on a vessel more lasting than themselves.

And you have not read Joshua Reynolds,
they say, until you have read him
enwreathed with Blake's furious scribbling.

Yet the one I think of most often,
the one that dangles from me like a locket,
was written in the copy of Catcher in the Rye
I borrowed from the local library
one slow, hot summer.
I was just beginning high school then,
reading books on a davenport in my parents' living room,
and I cannot tell you
how vastly my loneliness was deepened,
how poignant and amplified the world before me seemed,
when I found on one page

A few greasy looking smears
and next to them, written in soft pencil-
by a beautiful girl, I could tell,
whom I would never meet-
'Pardon the egg salad stains, but I'm in love.'

clip de bad trip

pacat ca n-o sa fiu in mai

28 October 2016

L'inquiétante étrangeté

Un homme était parti d'un village tchèque pour faire fortune. Au bout de vingt-cinq ans, riche, il était revenu avec une femme et un enfant. Sa mère tenait un hôtel avec sa sœur dans son village natal. Pour les surprendre, il avait laissé sa fem- me et son enfant dans un autre établissement, était allé chez sa mère qui ne l'avait pas reconnu quand il était entré. Par plaisanterie, il avait eu l'idée de prendre une chambre. Il avait montré son argent. Dans la nuit, sa mère et sa sœur l'avaient assassiné à coups de marteau pour le voler et avaient jeté son corps dans la rivière. Le matin, la femme était venue, avait révélé sans le savoir l'identité du voyageur. La mère s'était pendue. La sœur s'était jetée dans un puits.

09 October 2016


although courage is not fear, there is no courage without fear, no absolute state of courage, and of heart, without absolute panic

21 September 2016


“L’heure du crime ne sonne pas en même temps pour tous les peuples. Ainsi s’explique la permanence de l’histoire.”   E.M. CIORAN, Syllogismes de l’amertume.” Excerpt From: Daoud Kamel. “Meursault, contre-enquête.”

12 September 2016

evantai folcloric

- Тебе надо, ты и звони.
- А если мне не надо?
- Тогда наберись мужества, позвони и скажи, что тебе не надо.

11 September 2016

nimeni nimic nicaieri niciodata

bibilica biluta branzulica broscuta

ps. Trudgill suggested two related reasons for this phenomenon.7 First, women in our society are more status-conscious than men, and are therefore more aware of the social significance of different speech forms. Secondly, male working-class speech tends to be associated with roughness and toughness, which are considered by many to be desirable masculine attributes, though not desirable feminine ones. He goes on to suggest that conscious changes may well be initiated by women. Women are consciously striving to ‘speak better’, partly because of a certain social insecurity, partly because they are not aiming to sound ‘tough’. ~ Jean Aitchison


10 September 2016

on top

workout anthem of the week
se recomanda pentru bunadispunere si se bea cu B12
fara tranzitie evidenta, am venit de-o luna
si de ras si de plans

ad nauseum

07 September 2016

a cincea zi

asta-i ziua cand incepi sa obosesti
cand iata-iata tre sa vina weekendul migrenei
ca daca ea mai continua
o sa incepi sa vrei sa mori

pastorala - de leagan

bonus track: incepe sa ma doara si un dinte
ma gandesc la Eno, inevitabil :)

ps. a patra lege a termodinamicii nu este


05 September 2016

tratative nocturne

parca as avea multe de zis
si de revenit la multe subiecte
apoi iar imi amintesc
ca n-are rost
si merg pe drum
cu gluga trasa pe ochi
si ascult cantecele
care le-am gasit dimineata prin mailuri

visatoare fata asta
si cam proasta

cum de trait cu ea?

a treia zi

parca-i un coif
prea stramt
parca-i o colivie
prea mica
parca-i un corset
in care sta mintea
si nu poate sa iasa

destul de nefericita situatie
sa ai cap
pe umeri

but why not?

04 September 2016

ateeeent cu migrena

o, ai venit

Bon Iver common side effects:

Nervousness and anxiousness.
Involuntary or uncontrollable movements.

tre sa ma las de vitamine
si sa fug la mine/tine

Dané a fugit la Narcis
si ce folos
totul a fost pe dos
unhappy end

labor day yay

ce bine ca americanii nu mai au ziua asta pe 1 mai, multumesc rusilor
de cand v-am lasat, lunea asta nu se lucreaza
good job, America!


03 September 2016

When we leave this room it's gone

asta nu-i fixatie
asta-i inspiratie

I didn't need you that night
Not gonna need you anytime
Was gonna take it as it goes
I could go forward in the light

02 September 2016

mystic minds speak into the silence

corabia-i la mal
malu-i la apus
apusu-i la vest
vestu-i departe
corabia-i vesela

ps. noi cand nu ne ducem dracului, ne ducem la festival

01 September 2016

live and direct from the core

invitatie la uitat in abis
cand totul ar trebui sa taca
si sa cante doar licuricii
ar trebui
dar увы

28 August 2016

s’ennuie-t-on parfois l’un de l’autre?


LA NUIT, quand le pendule de l'amour balance
entre Toujours et Jamais,
ta parole vient rejoindre les lunes du cœur
et ton œil bleu,
d'orage tend le ciel à la terre.

~Around April 19/20 1970 Celan went from the bridge into the Seine and though a strong swimmer, drowned unobserved~

27 August 2016

25 August 2016

king of my castle! like a boss

Very often approaches to the periodisation of the history of French are dominated by particular metaphors. Sometimes these are architectural: the language is viewed as a castle which has its rough foundations laid in the ninth century, becomes a feudal fortress in the thirteenth, a Renaissance château in the sixteenth, and a symmetrical Classical edifice a century later.

24 August 2016

A Tornado Warning has been issued for Monroe County.

The death of one individual becomes both fundamental and necessary for the survival of the many.
~ Brigitte Cazelles sur "La vie de Saint Alexis"

23 August 2016


nu aduce anul cat aduce dimineata

termen de valabilitate - pedetot

19 August 2016

hai Ku

uneori ploua
broasca sta calm pe piatra
si plange incet

18 August 2016

wings of Peter

When the child was a child, it was the time for these questions:
Why am I me, and why not you?
Why am I here, and why not there?
When did time begin, and where does space end?

29 July 2016

aaaaaaabaldeti aaaaaaabajaiu

bill viola
dalai lama

22 July 2016


“The history of mankind is the history of our misunderstandings with god, for he doesn't understand us, and we don't understand him.” ― José Saramago, Caim

24 June 2016

Après l'enfermement, le contrôle

Nous sommes dans une crise généralisée de tous les milieux d'enfermement, prison, hôpital, usine, école, famille.

19 June 2016

am trimis-o

acuma, pana vorbesc reviewer-ii 1, 2, 3, etc. - liniste ps.

15 May 2016

3 tipuri de zen

static - buddhist
dinamic - literar
IP adressing - tehnologic

istorii despre vesnicie

nimic nu-i vesnic

13 May 2016

Ангел Всенародного Похмелья

zilele astea am (re)descoperit multi barbati desptepti

apoi pe Borges

acuma tre de redescoperit niste muzica buna
si de plecat

11 May 2016

easy carbonated

we're happy
we're loved
we're together
we're matter
we're stars
we're whatever
we're timeless

06 May 2016

ultimul iar

ultima suta de metri
ultima conferinta
ultimele avioane
apoi Malmö
apoi miau
apoi iar

life's an ocean

05 May 2016


astepti destrabalare
stari de anxietate de la calatorie
si gasesti acest apus
ca o paine calda
foarte miau
sa te uiti la oameni
ei sunt tare frumosi

post-colonial anarchy

03 May 2016

mai bine de 3 ani

prima data a fost la Kiev
eram fericita dar rece
era noapte dar era caldut
a sunat ca un imn
vocile care se suprapun
a ei (Francesca) ascutita si taioasa
a lui profunda si afumata
a fost ca un fulger
a ramas, dupa ani



n-am concluzie

02 May 2016


noi am fost autisti
noi am vorbit prin semne
sau doar prin taceri
noi nu ne-am ascultat
noi ne-am speriat
noi am luptat
cand trebuia de construit
long story short - we suck
dar cu toate astea - noi rupem


Te iubesc ca pan la Briceni si inapoi

01 May 2016

Давай познакомимся

༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ

ce minunat e sa-ti amintesti cine esti
ce faci
ce prieteni ai
ce muzica-ti place
cum esti cand bei
cum esti cand te doare
cum nu vrei sa fii
asa o poveste-i viata asta
daca stau s-o consider, n-as schimba nimic

ca va

se deschide berea
inceteaza durera
nu-i haiku

29 April 2016

cantec despre haine si alte chestii

the human condition of plurality

hai sa fim impreuna

initium ut esset homo creatus est

el m-a intrebat
si eu am spus "da"
si acuma - gata
tre sa merg pana la capat
semestrul viitor va fi promitator
important - fara panica
there's always more

27 April 2016

masina timpului

cand dai play la cantece vechi
si in cap vin oameni
si locuri
si stari
in metrou dimineata la 6 in drum spre primarie
ce tripant
15 ani in urma
s-a schimbat totul si nu s-a schimbat nimic
parca tre de crescut
si parca nu

nu ma mai joc cu fiece cantec
am pus tot albumul si-am inceput sa plang

dedicatie muzicala pentru frumos si sfant

cand umblam pe strazi
prin farmacii
prin multime
pe langa mare
pe la soare
in graba
in trip
cand s-a pavat drumul


deschide chrome-ul
intra in wiki
cauta "dialectic"

21 April 2016

n-am aer


3 minute jumate de popsa extrem de trista si hop! un sample de la DCD
si totul a devenit roz
si respect
si dragoste
si miau
piesa asta-i pentru arhiva
n-are statut de opera de arta
e, dupa mine, unul din cele mai proaste chestii factute de Fila

20 April 2016

La réintroduction d'une mentalité mystique

go back
way back


noi doi ne potrivim
ca mana si manusa
ca perna si amiaza
ca painea si untul
ca apa si cafeaua
ca foaia si pixul
sau cartonul
sau indoitul
sarbatoarea continua

19 April 2016

keyword: dominate

The opposition between the tastes of nature and the tastes of freedom introduces a relationship which is that of the body to the soul, between those who are 'only natu­ral' and those whose capacity to dominate their own biological nature aff­irms their legitimate claim to dominate social nature.

16 April 2016


formalistii rusi numesc asta "сюжет"
eu numesc asta "eu am rupt"

15 April 2016


il ador pe David Thewlis noapte buna :)

acel moment

in care Bourdie iti demonstreaza ca esti Working class
citesti si intelegi ca gusturile tale sunt dictate de treapta pe care esti pe scara sociala
atat de tare iubesc Blue Danube
si-mi pare tat de minunat 
si cand colo vine Bourdieu si-mi zice ca-i ceva de working si middle-class si ca, de fapt, ca sa fiu elevata si cultivata tre sa-mi placa cel putin The Well-Tempered Clavier
dar, si mai mult, Concerto for left Hand
acuma cum sa traiesc mai departe?
citesc si astept sa cresc
PS. un link la cateva cursuri gratuite de la The Great Courses

M is for Merde

"fantana" lui Duchamp a fost conceputa in 1917
in 1961 Piero Manzoni a facut lucrurile mai serioase

ieri ma uitam la un interviu cu Onfray (nu mai stiam daca fac bine sau ba ca-l privesc atat de mult; sunt infectata uneori de ideile lui dar gasesc in el o sursa imensa de informatie condensata, gata de a fi absorbita, si asta-i tare comod si interesant) si el a propus, argumentand sfarsiturile civilizatiei europene, o listura de artisti care au promovat nihilismul si au demonstrat ca nu mai putem produce nimic si ca suntem cam pe moarte

voici nihi-lista:
- monocromul (Kazimir Malevich - 1915; Yves Klein - 1961)
- letrismul (Isidore Isou - 1945)
- muzica fara sunet (John Cage - 1952)
- cinematografia fara imagini (Gyu Debord - 1952)
- noul roman: lipsa personajului, intrigii, psihologiei in roman (Alain Robbe-Grillet - 1963)

ma intrebam de ce n-a vorbit de Duchamp si de Manzoni ca o varianta si mai pronuntata a nihilismului, ca un Merdism

acestea fiind spuse, am primit bursa pentru a merge la conferinta deci iuhu si merde mie!

simpatica ziua de azi

Do not go gentle into that good night

Otto Rank a fost psihanalistul si iubitul lui Anaïs Nin

in aceeasi ordine de idei "Henry & June" (1990)
complicata povestea vietii ei
mai ales sa ai doua casnicii simultate si sa le ascunzi timp de 11 ani, madness

"I tell so many lies I have to write them down and keep them in the lie box so I can keep them straight." Anaïs Nin

14 April 2016

Breathing pieces of defecating meat

Becker's philosophy as it emerges in Denial of Death and Escape from Evil is a braid woven from four strands. 

The first strand. The world is terrifying. To say the least, Becker's account of nature has little in common with Walt Disney. Mother Nature is a brutal bitch, red in tooth and claw, who destroys what she creates. We live, he says, in a creation in which the routine activity for organisms is "tearing others apart with teeth of all types — biting, grinding flesh, plant stalks, bones between molars, pushing the pulp greedily down the gullet with delight, incorporating its essence into one's own organization, and then excreting with foul stench and gasses the residue." 

The second strand. The basic motivation for human behavior is our biological need to control our basic anxiety, to deny the terror of death. Human beings are naturally anxious because we are ultimately helpless and abandoned in a world where we are fated to die. "This is the terror: to have emerged from nothing, to have a name, consciousness of self, deep inner feelings, an excruciating inner yearning for life and self-expression — and with all this yet to die." 

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and Ernest Becker were strange allies in fomenting the cultural revolution that brought death and dying out of the closet. At the same time that Kubler-Ross gave us permission to practice the art of dying gracefully, Becker taught us that awe, fear, and ontological anxiety were natural accompaniments to our contemplation of the fact of death. 

The third strand. Since the terror of death is so overwhelming we conspire to keep it unconscious. "The vital lie of character" is the first line of defense that protects us from the painful awareness of our helplessness. Every child borrows power from adults and creates a personality by introjecting the qualities of the godlike being. If I am like my all-powerful father I will not die. So long as we stay obediently within the defense mechanisms of our personality, what Wilhelm Reich called "character armor" we feel safe and are able to pretend that the world is manageable. But the price we pay is high. We repress our bodies to purchase a soul that time cannot destroy; we sacrifice pleasure to buy immortality; we encapsulate ourselves to avoid death. And life escapes us while we huddle within the defended fortress of character. 

Society provides the second line of defense against our natural impotence by creating a hero system that allows us to believe that we transcend death by participating in something of lasting worth. We achieve ersatz immortality by sacrificing ourselves to conquer an empire, to build a temple, to write a book, to establish a family, to accumulate a fortune, to further progress and prosperity, to create an information-society and global free market. Since the main task of human life is to become heroic and transcend death, every culture must provide its members with an intricate symbolic system that is covertly religious. This means that ideological conflicts between cultures are essentially battles between immortality projects, holy wars. 

One of Becker's lasting contributions to social psychology has been to help us understand that corporations and nations may be driven by unconscious motives that have little to do with their stated goals. Making a killing in business or on the battlefield frequently has less to do with economic need or political reality than with the need for assuring ourselves that we have achieved something of lasting worth. Consider, for instance, the recent war in Vietnam in which the United States was driven not by any realistic economic or political interest but by the overwhelming need to defeat "atheistic communism." 

The fourth strand. Our heroic projects that are aimed at destroying evil have the paradoxical effect of bringing more evil into the world. Human conflicts are life and death struggles — my gods against your gods, my immortality project against your immortality project. The root of humanly caused evil is not man's animal nature, not territorial aggression, or innate selfishness, but our need to gain self-esteem, deny our mortality, and achieve a heroic self-image. Our desire for the best is the cause of the worst. We want to clean up the world, make it perfect, keep it safe for democracy or communism, purify it of the enemies of god, eliminate evil, establish an alabaster city undimmed by human tears, or a thousand year Reich. 

13 April 2016

Спасение (Иван Вырыпаев, 2015)

n-am vazut decat 20 de minute da-i interesant
o calugarita poloneza in Tibet
ma gandesc iar la religii 
si la necesitatea lor pentru sufletul uman
e ceva intrinsec omului, nu?
sa iubeasca, sa spere si sa cada
update: minutul 40 si s-a inceput marele boredom 
nu stiu ce sa zic...
cred ca nu merita :|
reupday: dupa 15 minute de chin, iar a devenit bun
era un rol prost jucat
m-am gandit la asta

PS. tot Вырыпаев a scris Кислород, din care a facut film in 2009 
buna piesa si bun filmulet
...и каждая женщина поглощает кислород, но не каждая женщина сама является кислородом.

11 April 2016


un fel de Portishead
doar ca-i mai pe curcubeu
tare bine se preteaza vizualizarii
i can feel you when you breath


infinite difference is finite

A similar thing happens when we say as regards the sentence 'this rose is red': The grammatical predicate 'is red' belongs to the subject 'this rose'. Here the words 'The grammatical predicate "is red"' are not a grammatical predicate but a subject. By the very act of explicitly calling it a predicate, we deprive it of this property.

10 April 2016

diegetic music

acel moment
intre vin
Bohren and der Club of Gore
si iar vin

se invarte capul
de placere
acel moment
cand viata
a reusit
ai facut bine

04 April 2016




in sfarsit un film tripant

There are 7 billion people on the planet.
You might be lucky enough to bump into the one person you want to spend the rest of your life with.  
tare vreau sa-l vad :)


Max, ei nu scot album nou?


— Вы очень милая. Чем вы увлекаетесь?
— Мясом.

03 April 2016

give me shelter, show me heart


23 Emotions people feel, but can’t explain

Sonder: The realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own.
Opia: The ambiguous intensity of Looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable.
Monachopsis: The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place.
Énouement: The bittersweetness of having arrived in the future, seeing how things turn out, but not being able to tell your past self.
Vellichor: The strange wistfulness of used bookshops.
Rubatosis: The unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat.
Kenopsia: The eerie, forlorn atmosphere of a place that is usually bustling with people but is now abandoned and quiet.
Mauerbauertraurigkeit: The inexplicable urge to push people away, even close friends who you really like.
Jouska: A hypothetical conversation that you compulsively play out in your head.
Chrysalism: The amniotic tranquility of being indoors during a thunderstorm.
Vemödalen: The frustration of photographic something amazing when thousands of identical photos already exist.
Anecdoche: A conversation in which everyone is talking, but nobody is listening
Ellipsism: A sadness that you’ll never be able to know how history will turn out.
Kuebiko: A state of exhaustion inspired by acts of senseless violence.
Lachesism: The desire to be struck by disaster – to survive a plane crash, or to lose everything in a fire.
Exulansis: The tendency to give up trying to talk about an experience because people are unable to relate to it.
Adronitis: Frustration with how long it takes to get to know someone.
Rückkehrunruhe: The feeling of returning home after an immersive trip only to find it fading rapidly from your awareness.
Nodus Tollens: The realization that the plot of your life doesn’t make sense to you anymore.
Onism: The frustration of being stuck in just one body, that inhabits only one place at a time.
Liberosis: The desire to care less about things.
Altschmerz: Weariness with the same old issues that you’ve always had – the same boring flaws and anxieties that you’ve been gnawing on for years.
Occhiolism: The awareness of the smallness of your perspective.


02 April 2016

poveste despre internet

cand mergi prin internet si intalnesti fantomele
oamenilor pe care i-ai cunoscut
si i-ai iubit
si acuma-s loc
placut, poate
dar gol
ce tripant

unele fantome sunt ingeri
mereu pe langa tine
altii sunt mici demoni care vor sa te readuca in trecut
si-si fac loc in tine
si incepe sa te roada
ce amestec nociv
nostalgie si complacere

stinge internetul
mergi prin casa
aici arde lumina
si canta muzica

Verlaine gisant

oh my Rimbaud
tre de facut rost de album
se mai face muzica buna in lumea asta

și mă culși!?

time is money
am facut o amiaza de 2 ore si acuma intarzii cu scrisul
cum de trait mai departe in asa conditii?

Пикник на обочине

Счастье для всех, даром, и пусть никто не уйдет обиженным!


01 April 2016


The first act of the Trickster Hermes - using the shell of a tortoise “accidentally” stumbled over at the threshold of his cave - is to create the world’s first lyre. At the mouth of the cave, where the innerworld and the outerworld meet, there, in the synesthesia of liminality - at the spatiotemporal limit - the unforeseen present itself and the mythopoetic imagination was born. 
Deardorff, Daniel. The Other Within: The Genius of Deformity in Myth, Culture and Psyche. Ashland, Or: White Cloud Press, 2004, p. 119

29 March 2016

lost, not lost


lumea-i tare duala
si schimbatoare
si proasta
si-i de inteles
nimic nu are sens
totul se termina brusc si dur
orice n-ai face Аннушка уже разлила масло
poti doar sa iubesti ca sa pierzi
ca sa iubesti
ca sa pierzi
ca sa iubesti
ca sa mori
sau invers

am intalnit azi un cuplu de iehovisti sau asa ceva
cred ca ei vad lumea altfel
sau ba

wait, don't wait

Estragon - On attend.
Vladimir - Oui, mais en attendant ?
Estragon - Si on se pendait ? [...]
Vladimir - A une branche ? (Il s'approchent de l'arbre et le regardent.) Je n'aurais pas confiance.
Estragon - On peut toujours essayer.
Vladimir - Essaie.
Estragon - Après toi.
Vladimir - Mais non, toi d'abord.
Estragon - Pourquoi ?
Vladimir - Tu pèses moins lourd que moi.
Estragon - Justement.
Vladimir - Je ne comprends pas.
Estragon - Mais réfléchis un peu, voyons.

Vladimir réfléchit.

Vladimir (finalement) - Je ne comprends pas.
Estragon - Je vais t'expliquer. (Il réfléchit) La branche... (Avec colère) Mais essaie donc de comprendre !
Vladimir - Je ne compte plus que sur toi.
Estragon (avec effort) - Gogo léger - branche pas casser - Gogo mort. Didi lourd - branche casser - Didi seul. (Un temps) Tandis que... (Il cherche l'expression juste)
Vladimir - Je n'avais pas pensé à ça.
Estragon (ayant trouvé) - Qui peut le plus peut le moins.
Vladimir - Mais est-ce que je pèse plus lourd que toi ?
Estragon - C'est toi qui le dis. Moi je n'en sais rien. Il y a une chance sur deux. Ou presque.
Vladimir - Alors, quoi faire ?
Estragon - Ne faisons rien. C'est plus prudent.

28 March 2016

le possédé

La plupart des hommes ont de la poésie une idée si vague que ce vague même de leur idée est pour eux la définition de la poésie.
Paul Valéry

mesaj pentru posteritate: mancati soare

vitamina D de la Doctor(skaia)

hai sa ne intalnim iar la Asachi

cand esti acolo si asculti Cardopusher, imediat ai iar 15 ani in suflet si incepi sa vrei sa sari in toate partie si sa cuprinzi toata lumea
un fel de viata pe x de la muzica :)
man, that was fun

ce fine ca s-a terminat
acuma stau in pat
si gata

27 March 2016

un neurasthénique élégant

cand ai ajuns sa-l inveti pe Debussy

si ca el a scris muzica pentru versurile lui Verlaine

si Baudelaire

si Mallarmé

si cand intelegi ca tot ce-ai ascultat si citit tu pana acuma a fost o lume atat de plina de alte lumi insa era deconectata de acestea

asta se numeste stiinta: sa stii sa legi punctele intre ele :)

"un rien de musique"

albastru ca ochii tai


positive things

cand esti docil, umil, steril si inutil te faci constructor
si citesti chestii pozitive
ps. poate totusi de luat Minor in filosofie?


ps. cand vorbesti cu mama, te simti mai mic si te simti protejat
ce frumos
multumesc :* 

uptown girl

facem arta pentru arta
daca de mutat in Québec, o sa facem arta pentru apa

24 March 2016

Un homme, ça s'empêche

cine are timp : sa nu-l piarda 
cine n-are - sa mearga la apa

Не будь дураком!

     Не выходи из комнаты, не совершай ошибку.
     Зачем тебе Солнце, если ты куришь Шипку?
     За дверью бессмысленно все, особенно -- возглас счастья.
     Только в уборную -- и сразу же возвращайся.

     О, не выходи из комнаты, не вызывай мотора.
     Потому что пространство сделано из коридора
     и кончается счетчиком. А если войдет живая
     милка, пасть разевая, выгони не раздевая.

     Не выходи из комнаты; считай, что тебя продуло.
     Что интересней на свете стены и стула?
     Зачем выходить оттуда, куда вернешься вечером
     таким же, каким ты был, тем более -- изувеченным?

     О, не выходи из комнаты. Танцуй, поймав, боссанову
     в пальто на голое тело, в туфлях на босу ногу.
     В прихожей пахнет капустой и мазью лыжной.
     Ты написал много букв; еще одна будет лишней.

     Не выходи из комнаты. О, пускай только комната
     догадывается, как ты выглядишь. И вообще инкогнито
     эрго сум, как заметила форме в сердцах субстанция.
     Не выходи из комнаты! На улице, чай, не Франция.

     Не будь дураком! Будь тем, чем другие не были.
     Не выходи из комнаты! То есть дай волю мебели,
     слейся лицом с обоями. Запрись и забаррикадируйся
     шкафом от хроноса, космоса, эроса, расы, вируса.

bottom line

23 March 2016

the tiny forest in my heart is dying

i need to do some watering

Is the sun moving?

Yes, the Sun - in fact, our whole solar system - orbits around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. We are moving at an average velocity of 828,000 km/hr. But even at that high rate, it still takes us about 230 million years to make one complete orbit around the Milky Way! The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy.
suntem pe un graunte, ne invartim in spirale prin cosmos si nu reusim sa ne intelegem, ce pacat

Cartesian doubt - enter the illusion

· Orwellian cognitive theory says that the subject of a false time perception perceives the stimulus correctly, but constructs the memory of it incorrectly. The new memory overwrites the old memory so fast that verbal reports are always of the false memory. 
· Stalinesque cognitive theory says that your brain has a time-delay (like a tape delay in live TV shows) in what you are conscious of. Consciousness is delayed long enough for the perception-editor to fill in facts that were not in the stimulus itself. So your memory is correct, but the original consciousness was mistaken (like Stalin’s show trials).

22 March 2016


La vie de l’homme n’est qu’un songe, on l’a dit souvent, et ce sentiment m’accompagne. aussi sans cesse. Quand je considère les étroites limites dans lesquelles les facultés actives et la pénétration de l’homme sont renfermées ; quand je vois que l’objet de tous nos efforts est de pourvoir à des besoins qui n’ont eux-mêmes d’autre but que de prolonger notre misérable existence, et qu’ensuite toute notre tranquillité, sur certains points de nos recherches, n’est qu’une résignation rêveuse, que l’on goûte à peindre de figures bigarrées et de brillantes perspectives les murs entre lesquels on se trouve prisonnier : tout cela, Wilhelm, me réduit au silence. Je rentre en moi-même, et j’y trouve un monde, mais de pressentiments et de vagues désirs, plutôt que de réalités et de forces vivantes. Alors tout flotte devant mes yeux, et je poursuis en souriant mon rêve à travers le monde.
Goethe - Les Souffrances du jeune Werther 



the matrix of four basic responses to an Event - Alain Badiou/Slavoj Žižek

Perhaps, Badiou's matrix of four basic responses to an Event (the faithful subject; the reactive subject; the obscure subject; resurrection) should be complicated a little bit, so that there are six responses:

1. The responses to the Freud-Event were: (1) fidelity (Lacan); (2) reactive normalization, re-integration into the predominant field (ego-psychology, "dynamic psychotherapy"); (3) outright denial (cognitivism); (4) obscurantist mystification in a pseudo-Event (Jung); (5) total enforcing (Reich, Freudo-Marxism); (6) resurrection of the "eternal" Freud's message in "returns to Freud."

2. The responses to a love-Event are: (1) fidelity; (2) normalization, re-integration (marriage); (3) outright rejection of the evental status (libertinage, the transformation of the Event into sexual adventure); (3) thorough rejection of sexual love (abstinence); (5) obscurantist suicidal mortal passion a la Tristan; (6) resurrected love (re-encounter).

3. The responses to the Marxism-Event are: (1) fidelity (Communism, Leninism); (2) reactive re-integration (Social Democracy); (3) outright denial of the evental status (liberalism, Furet); (4) catastrophic total counter-attack in the guise of a pseudo-Event (Fascism); (5) total enforcing of the Event, which ends up in an "obscure disaster" (Stalinism, Khmer Rouge); (6) renewal of Marxism (Lenin, Mao...).
Slavoj Žižek ~ On Alain Badiou and Logiques des mondes


Les civilisations ne meurent pas seuls, elles se suicident.
Arnold J. Toynbee

Dilemme cornélien

cerc sau/si spirala

soarele in geam

Samuel Beckett


to and fro in shadow from inner to outer shadow

from impenetrable self to impenetrable unself
by way of neither

as between two lit refuges whose doors once
neared gently close, once away turned from
gently part again

beckoned back and forth and turned away

heedless of the way, intent on the one gleam
or the other

unheard footfalls only sound

till at last halt for good, absent for good
from self and other

then no sound

then gently light unfading on that unheeded

unspeakable home

21 March 2016


are mai bine de 3 ani piesa asta
still dope

in alta ordine de idei
Jean Racine - Andromaque 
Goethe - Les Souffrances Du Jeune Werther 
ambele, desigur

20 March 2016

alpha centauri

la langue de Molière

for intérieur (jugement de la conscience)
non pas fort
ni fors
ni fore

it's coming

Le rossignol, qui du haut d'une branche se regarde dedans, croit être tombé dans la rivière : il est au sommet d'un chêne, et toutefois il a peur de se noyer.
Cyrano de Bergerac


Il pleure dans mon coeur
Comme il pleut sur la ville ;
Quelle est cette langueur
Qui pénètre mon coeur ?

Ô bruit doux de la pluie
Par terre et sur les toits !
Pour un coeur qui s'ennuie,
Ô le chant de la pluie !

Il pleure sans raison
Dans ce coeur qui s'écoeure.
Quoi ! nulle trahison ?...
Ce deuil est sans raison.

C'est bien la pire peine
De ne savoir pourquoi
Sans amour et sans haine
Mon coeur a tant de peine !

Временно — это на один день меньше чем постоянно.

19 March 2016

Sunday neurosis

taste in music ~ lastfm
taste in art ~ Nata Garbu

taste in men ~ Prokofiev  

daca n-ar fi

gravitatia sa traga organele spre ea, totul ar fi altfel



ultima serie de Horace and Pete
si de ras si de plans si de gandit
today was a good day

18 March 2016

amor fati

I want to learn more and more to see as beautiful what is necessary in things; then I shall be one of those who make things beautiful. Amor fati: let that be my love henceforth! I do not want to wage war against what is ugly. I do not want to accuse; I do not even want to accuse those who accuse. Looking away shall be my only negation. And all in all and on the whole: some day I wish to be only a Yes-sayer.
After Buddha was dead, people showed his shadow for centuries afterwards in a cave,—an immense frightful shadow. God is dead: but as the human race is constituted, there will perhaps be caves for millenniums yet, in which people will show his shadow.—And we—we have still to overcome his shadow!

En vieillissant je me rapprochais moi-même de Nietzsche, comme c’est sans doute inévitable quand on a des problèmes de plomberie.
Michel Houellebecq - Soumission