20 December 2010

Dead Can Dance - Cantara (live)

pu ca sa adoarmin in Gaia, ca sa ne fie bine shi azi, shi maine

15 December 2010

Mount Kimbie - Would Know

dubstep, ambient, experimental, electronic, minimal din UK

14 December 2010

Fragile State - Every Day A Story

poveshtile noastre, multe, complexe, toate au in inceput shi un final

13 December 2010

Venetian Snares - Szamár Madár

pu ca l-am visat pe Gonzo, hai sa ascultam nishte muzica de-a lui

10 December 2010

Tricky, iar Tricky

am febra shi ma simt tare nasol, incep o cura cu ceai, dragoste shi Tricky :P
1. ma bucur de un mix facut de Bullion la piesa lui Slow (cea sexy, shtii, da?) (aici)
2. re-ascult Mixed Race (aici) sa vad cum se mishka
3. ma uit la poza asta shi ma tot intreb cand ajung sa-l vad live shi eu o data in viatsa asta a mea

26 November 2010

Milosh - You Make Me Feel - Live - Ireland

fa-ma sa ma simt ca Irlanda, te rog! >:D<

Horsepower Productions

o piesa din albumul lor vechi, preferata mea dealtfel, e asta:

albumul lor nou este aici, enjoym!

19 November 2010

60 Ways To Make Life Simple Again

1. Don’t try to read other people’s minds. Don’t make other people try to read yours. Communicate.
2. Be polite, but don’t try to be friends with everyone around you. Instead, spend time nurturing your relationships with the people who matter most to you.
3. Your health is your life, keep up with it. Get an annual physical check-up.
4. Live below your means. Don’t buy stuff you don’t need. Always sleep on big purchases. Create a budget and savings plan and stick to both of them.
5. Get enough sleep every night. An exhausted mind is rarely productive.
6. Get up 30 minutes earlier so you don’t have to rush around like a mad man. That 30 minutes will help you avoid speeding tickets, tardiness, and other unnecessary headaches.
7. Get off your high horse, talk it out, shake hands or hug, and move on.
8. Don’t waste your time on jealously. The only person you’re competing against is yourself.
9. Surround yourself with people who fill your gaps. Let them do the stuff they’re better at so you can do the stuff you’re better at.
10. Organize your living space and working space.
11. Get rid of stuff you don’t use.
12. Ask someone if you aren’t sure.
13. Spend a little time now learning a time-saving trick or shortcut that you can use over and over again in the future.
14. Don’t try to please everyone. Just do what you know is right.
15. Don’t drink alcohol or consume recreational drugs when you’re mad or sad. Take a jog instead.
16. Be sure to pay your bills on time.
17. Fill up your gas tank on the way home, not in the morning when you’re in a hurry.
18. Use technology to automate tasks.
19. Handle important two-minute tasks immediately.
20. Relocate closer to your place of employment.
21. Don’t steal.
22. Always be honest with yourself and others.
23. Say “I love you” to your loved ones as often as possible.
24. Single-task. Do one thing at a time and give it all you got.
25. Finish one project before you start another.
26. Be yourself.
27. When traveling, pack light. Don’t bring it unless you absolutely must.
28. Clean up after yourself. Don’t put it off until later.
29. Learn to cook, and cook.
30. Make a weekly (healthy) menu, and shop for only the items you need.
31. Consider buying and cooking food in bulk. If you make a large portion of something on Sunday, you can eat leftovers several times during the week without spending more time cooking.
32. Stay out of other people’s drama. And don’t needlessly create your own.
33. Buy things with cash.
34. Maintain your car, home, and other personal belongings you rely on.
35. Smile often, even to complete strangers.
36. If you hate doing it, stop it.
37. Treat everyone with the same level of respect you would give to your grandfather and the same level of patience you would have with your baby brother.
38. Apologize when you should.
39. Write things down.
40. Be curious. Don’t be scared to learn something new.
41. Explore new ideas and opportunities often.
42. Don’t be shy. Network with people. Meet new people.
43. Don’t worry too much about what other people think about you.
44. Spend time with nice people who are smart, driven, and likeminded.
45. Don’t text and drive. Don’t drink and drive.
46. Drink water when you’re thirsty.
47. Don’t eat when you’re bored. Eat when you’re hungry.
48. Exercise every day. Simply take a long, relaxing walk.
49. Let go of things you can’t change. Concentrate on things you can.
50. Find hard work you actually enjoy doing.
51. Realize that the harder you work, the luckier you will become.
52. Follow your heart. Don’t waste your life fulfilling someone else’s dreams and desires.
53. Set priorities for yourself and act accordingly.
54. Take it slow and add up all your small victories.
55. However good or bad a situation is now, it will change. Accept this simple fact.
56. Excel at what you do. Otherwise you’ll just frustrate yourself.
57. Mature, but don’t grow up too fast.
58. Realize that you’re never quite as right as you think you are.
59. Build something or do something that makes you proud.
60. Make mistakes, learn from them, laugh about them, and move along.

sursa: aici
I really don’t care if you’re gay, straight, black, asian, middle eastern, christian, atheist, agnostic, upper class or lower class. I don’t care if you dress from clothes from A&F or from the church donation box. I don’t care if you are skin and bones or if you weigh 300 pounds. I honestly don’t care if you are the quiet girl, play video games all day, or are stoned more often than you’re not. If you treat others with the utmost respect and kindness, you deserve my respect in return.

Jon Hopkins - Vessel (Four Tet Remix)

acelashi efect nebun

18 November 2010

17 November 2010

George Carlin

frumos interviu, spune multe lucruri deshtepte nenea George :) :*

11 November 2010

Luna:r - Ja Zhdu Vesnu

este muzica noua, este muzica veshtica, apoi asta-i ambele, aproape :)

02 November 2010

01 November 2010

Dale Chihuly

lumea-i mica shi frumoasa, de la temele Chrome-ului am ajuns la Dale Chihuly - an American glass sculptor

26 October 2010

Robert Doisneau, minunatul

Robert Doisneau, one of France's most popular and prolific reportage photographers, is known for his modest, playful, and ironic images of amusing juxtapositions, mingling social classes, and eccentrics in contemporary Paris streets and cafes. Influenced by the work of Kertesz, Atget, and Cartier-Bresson, in over 20 books Doisneau has presented a charming vision of human frailty and life as a series of quiet, incongruous moments. He has written: "The marvels of daily life are exciting; no movie director can arrange the unexpected that you find in the street."
sursa: artodyssey1

12 October 2010


vreau sa va recomand #NarNaoud#, o trupa din Bordeaux, Franta, cu albumul "Green Vision", minune de melanj de triphop, electronic, ambient, dub, downtempo, breakbeat, hiphop instrumental shi chill. foc!

08 October 2010

29 September 2010

Ambeon - Cold Metal

do you remember the time?

idei de offline-uri

s-a pornit valul in Facebook shi s-a gandit cris "de ce sa nu merg mai departe?"
deci nume de offline-uri pe care vreau sa le traiesc:
- "muzica buna, oameni luminoshi, vibratsii pozitive shi caldurica in suflet offline"
- "intr-o seara de sambata, in adrmiral, la o masa, de manutse offline"
- "sub plapumitsa, la cald, cu un pahar de izvar shi un film bun offline"
- "in padure, la foc, cu prietenii, cu ganduri luminoase shi cuvinte dulci offline"
- "pe plaja, la soare, cu porumb fiert shi bere offline"
- "in pijamitsa, cu Moderat, cu Facebook, cu o bere shi cu prietenii online offline"
- "in Black, cu bere, cu rock, cu prieteni si cu amintiri offline"
- "la citron cu ceai, prieteni shi maslinshi 10 ore offline"

mai adug cum imi vin, mia adaugatsi shi voi cum va vine :)

Ninja Tune XX - Xxclusives 1

the sound of the ninja trips aici

28 September 2010

Coldcut - Bare Leaves

requiem for autumn

Flying Lotus - MmmHmm

Flying MmmHmm Lotus

The Bug - Catch a Fire

nicely done

Shepard Fairey

Frank Shepard Fairey (born February 15, 1970) is an American contemporary artist, graphic designer, and illustrator who emerged from the skateboarding scene and is currently active in Cincinnati, Ohio.

18 September 2010

Tricky - A Ruff Guide

A Ruff Guide is a compilation album by Tricky, with songs from the albums released during the Island Records period. It was released in 2002.


"Aftermath" (Version One)
"Poems" (Edit)
"For Real"
"Black Steel" (Radio Edit)
"Pumpkin" (Edit)
"Broken Homes"
"Wash My Soul"
"I Be the Prophet" (With Drums)
"Makes Me Wanna Die"
"Tricky Kid"
"Scrappy Love"
"Ponderosa" (Original 7" Edit)
"Hell Is Around the Corner"
"Singing the Blues"


16 September 2010

Shulman - In Search of a Meaningful Moment

sa uitam de noi, pu o ora
sa fim una cu Gaïa
ea ne va canta de leagan
pu a scoate albumul aici
ps, imaginea-i de la Ratti Rondolino, o fata care face chestii minunate

The Streets - Blinded By The Lights (Live Lounge)

no swearingdownload mp3

15 September 2010

13 September 2010

Bill Hicks - A Possitive LSD Story on The News

Wouldn't you like to see a positive LSD story on the news? To base your decision on information rather than scare tactics and superstition?, perhaps? Wouldn't that be interesting? Just for once?
"Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration – that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather."

Tricky - Mixed Race

Tricky are album nou, shtitsi da?

07 September 2010

06 September 2010

framantari cotidiene

sa fii gospodina
sa shtii sa faci mancare
sa fii sanatoasa (shi fertila)
sa fii mereu multuminta
sa accepti totul shi toate ca o normalitate
shi daca-i tare rau - sa te revolti prin munca
sau prin greva interioara
sau prin taierea venelor in baie
sau prin uitare
sa fii deshteapta
sa fii cumsecade

dar nu se cade daca eu vreau doar sa fiu luminoasa? sa nu pun intrebari shi sa nu caut raspunsuri?
ce se intampla daca atunci cand mi-e rau nu vreau sa ma revolt sau sa rabd ci sa plec
shi daca eu am dreptate
shi tu pur shi simplu gandeshti altfel decat mine
shi daca gandirea ta e buna
shi daca shi a mea e buna
shi daca noi toti suntem deshtepti shi perfecti

da-mi un motiv sa nu mai cred in ce sunt shi sa te cred pe tine
shi-ti voi da o suta
shi-ti voi explica ca sunt perfecta asha cum sunt
cu defectele mele
cu durerile shi bucuriile mele
sunt fericita sa fiu eu
la asta ma tins
merci ca m-ai ajutat sa inteleg asta

Pulp Fiction mood

Jules: Do you know what they call a Quarter Pounder with cheese in France?
Brett: No.
Jules: Tell him, Vincent.
Vincent: Royale with cheese.
Jules: Royale with cheese. Do you know why they call it a Royale with cheese?
Brett: Because of the metric system?
Jules: Check out the big brain on Brett. You one smart motherfucker.

03 September 2010

Movies with quantum~similar flicks

pe situl Quantonics am gasit lista asta shi m-am gandit ca merita sharuita :)

6th Sense
84 Charing Cross Road
A Beautiful Mind
A Rumor of Angels
Aeon Flux
Andromeda Strain
Angels and Insects
Auggie Rose
Bagger Vance
Bee Season
Beyond Death
City of Lost Children
Dead Poet's Society
Forever Young
City of Angels
Made in Heaven
Fabulous Baker Boys
Great Debaters, The
Long Summer
Message in a Bottle
Never Ending Story
Noah Dearborn, Simple Life of
Pay it Forward
Photographing Fairies
Price Above Rubies
Quiet Earth
Red Violin
Sea People
Secret of Roan Inish

The Eye
The Wall
What Dreams May Come
Source: Quantonics

KT Tunstall - I Want You Back (Jackson 5 cover)

am fost, am vezut, am cashtigat premiul mare si acuma ma bucur

02 September 2010

Itzhak Bentov - From Atom to Cosmos

"Our brains do not produce thoughts, but are devices for amplifying thoughts by using the opposing forces of good and evil to stimulate the evolution of consciousness." - Itzhak Bentov.

La vache!

L'écrivain J.G. Ballard est mort
Le chanteur Michael Jakson est mort
L'actrice Farrah Fawcett est morte
L'acteur américain Patrick Swayze est mort
La chanteuse argentine Mercedes Sosa est morte
Irving Penn, un géant de la photographie, est mort
L'ethnologue Claude Lévi-Strauss est mort
La chanteuse Lhasa est morte
Le chanteur Mano Solo est mort
L'écrivain américain Eric Segal est mort
Le styliste Alexander McQueen est mort
L'écrivain espagnol Miguel Delibes est mort
Jean Ferrat est mort
Dorothy Height, figure historique du mouvement des droits civiques, est morte
L'écrivain et diplomate Pierre-Jean Rémy est mort
La pianiste Yvonne Loriod est morte
L'éditeur Robert Laffont est mort
L'acteur et réalisateur Dennis Hopper est mort
Le peintre Sigmar Polke est mort
Le comédien Bernard Giraudeau est mort
Le compositeur et saxophoniste Willem Breuker est mort
Le comédien Philippe Avron est mort
Le comédien Bruno Cremer est mort
L'écrivain Patrick Cauvin est mort
Le réalisateur Alain Corneau est mort
La photographe Corinne Day est morte.

31 August 2010

The Knife - Pass it on

badtrip postmodern = muzica, lapte shi abstenenta

30 August 2010

Carl Orff - Carmina Burana

"hair-raising and nipple-hardening performance"

28 August 2010

OVnimoON & Via AXIS - Galactic Mantra

I AM Light.
I AM Infinite.
I AM The Channel.
I AM Expanding.
I AM Psychedelic.
I AM Vibration.
I AM Timeless.
I AM Unity.
I AM Activating.
I AM Resonant.
I AM Galactic.
I AM Radiant.
I AM Defined.
I AM Electric.
I AM Lunar.
I AM Magnetic.
I AM Planetary.
I AM Balanced.
I AM Organized.
I AM Connected.
I AM Inspired.
I AM In Harmony.
I AM In-tegrity.
I AM Perfect.
I AM Manifestation.
I AM Dissolving.
I AM Releasing.
I AM Liberated.
I AM Dedicated.
I AM Universalized and Divine, Transcending Mantra.
I AM Being.
I AM Communicating.
I AM Spirit.
I AM Breathing.
I AM Cosmic.
I AM Essence.
I AM Power.
I AM Action.
I AM Dreaming.
I AM Abundance.
I AM Intuition.
I AM God.
I AM Extreme.
I AM Internal and External.
I AM Flowering.
I AM The Clocking.
I AM Aware.
I AM Lifeforce.
I AM Surviving.
I AM Spiraling.
I AM Arc.
I AM Accomplishing.
I AM Healing.
I AM Beauty.
I AM Elegance.
I AM Pure.
I AM Flowing.
I AM Love.
I AM Chakras.
I AM Co-inciding.
I AM Playing.
I AM Magic.
I AM Elusive.
I AM Free Will.
I AM Wise.
I AM Exploring.
I AM Space and Time.
I AM Waking Life.
I AM Vivid.
I AM Enchanting.
I AM Timelessness and Complete, Infinite Design.
I AM Alien.
I AM Human.
I AM Receptive.
I AM Vision.
I AM Energy.
I AM Mindful.
I AM Questioning.
I AM Answering.
I AM Intelligent.
I AM Fearless.
I AM Evolving.
I AM Opening My Third Eye to the Unseen Vision, Translating.
I AM Synchronicity.
I AM Reflecting.
I AM Endlessness.
I AM Order and Chaos.
I AM The Tao.
I AM Crystalized.
I AM Self-generation.
I AM Affirming.
I AM Enlightened.
I AM Blind.
I AM The Tone.
I AM The Color.
I AM Electronic.
I AM Lunar and Solar, Opposite and Polar.
I AM Language.
I AM Radial.
I AM Particles of Plasma.
I AM Endurance.
I AM Cosmic.
I AM Releasing.
I AM Liberating.
I AM Perfect.
I AM Pulsing.
I AM Realizing.
I AM The One Because The One Are All.
I AM Form.
I AM The Infinite, Nothing That Becomes The Everything.
I AM Symbolic.
I AM Relative.
I AM The Divine Spirit that Harmonizes with Laws.
I AM Projecting.
I AM Controlled Experience.
I AM Desire.
I AM Being.
I AM We, We Are You.

12 August 2010

evolution of dubstep

chiar shi unul din cele mai noi stiluri de muzica muteaza :)
poftim vedeti shi cum
(de la twg_ adunate)

Dan Griober - Binele

pe muzica de Dan Griober am regasit poze din Andy Goldworthy shi arta lui de camp

11 August 2010

arta bate publicitatea

am fost, sunt shi voi fi mereu suparata pe publicitate!
i-i inteleg principiile (cel putin asa cred), necesitatea si insistenta cu care ne impune sa ne uitam unde vrea ea dar ma irita la culme.
deaceea am gasit asta
"Steve Lambert's new project is Add-Art (add-art.org), a free application for Firefox browsers that replaces Web ads with contemporary art."

05 August 2010

Benga & Coki - Night (DJ Zinc Remix)

shi inca ceva... (dedicatie pu Gonzo si Macs (nu pun link, ma doare inima de fiecare data cand intru acolo, dar tu je stii ca-mi eshti drag asha nebun cum eshti, nu?))

Shitmat - Ace of Base Babylon

we'll take over Babylon

31 July 2010

BBC Radio 1 Essential Mix - Magnetic Man - 2010/07/24

Download mix here!

[000:00] 01. Essential Mix – Intro (02:31)
[002:31] 02. ID – ID (02:15)
[004:46] 03. ID – ID (02:15)
[007:01] 04. ID – ID (01:48)
[008:49] 05. Magnetic Man feat. Ms Dynamite – Fire (04:31)
[013:20] 06. Benga – 808 (02:15)
[015:35] 07. Redlight – Stupid (01:48)
[017:23] 08. DJ Zinc – Killa Sound (Skream Remix) (03:50)
[021:13] 09. Nero – Welcome Reality (03:09)
[024:22] 10. ID – ID (02:42)
[027:05] 11. Benga – Smack Your Bitch Up (02:15)
[029:20] 12. Nero – Innocence (02:42)
[032:02] 13. Drumsound & Bassline Smith – Fu Man Chu (Dubstep Mix) (01:47)
[033:49] 14. Redlight feat. Ms Dynamite – What You Talkin’ About (00:55)
[034:44] 15. Magnetic Man – ID (02:42)
[037:27] 16. ID – ID (02:42)
[040:09] 17. ID – ID (02:14)
[042:23] 18. Joker & TC – It Ain’t Got A Name (03:10)
[045:34] 19. Magnetic Man – The Bug (02:42)
[048:16] 20. ID – ID (03:23)
[051:39] 21. Skream – Rollin’ Kicks VIP (02:52)
[054:31] 22. Magnetic Man feat. Angela Hunte – I Need Air (04:03)
[058:35] 23. Magnetic Man – MAD (01:35)
[060:09] 24. Skream – Raw Dogz (02:16)
[062:26] 25. Skream – Wibbler (04:29)
[066:55] 26. Crissy Criss – Kick Snare VIP (01:21)
[068:16] 27. Sub Focus – Last Jungle (02:42)
[070:58] 28. Skream – Stand Up (00:27)
[071:25] 29. Mz Bratt – Selecta (01:18)
[072:43] 30. Heist – I’m A Killer (140 BPM Edit) (02:18)
[075:02] 31. P-Money – Left The Room (Skreamix) (02:42)
[077:44] 32. James Blake – CMYK (01:35)
[079:19] 33. Estelle – I Can Be A Freak (ID Bootleg) (02:02)
[081:20] 34. ID – I Warned Ya (02:42)
[084:03] 35. Trolley Snatcha – Pass Me By (02:15)
[086:18] 36. TC & Jakes – Real Talk VIP (03:37)
[089:54] 37. ID – ID (00:54)
[090:48] 38. Skream – WTF? (01:35)
[092:23] 39. Benga & Youngman – Ho! (03:23)
[095:46] 40. Benga – Mini Motor Cross (01:48)
[097:34] 41. ID – ID (01:21)
[098:55] 42. ID – ID (02:14)
[101:09] 43. Toddla T – Sky Surfing (Benga Remix) (01:50)
[102:59] 44. Subscape – Just Because (01:48)
[104:47] 45. Benga – Who Remembers (02:15)
[107:02] 46. ID – ID (02:15)
[109:17] 47. Skream feat. Sam Frank – Where You Should Be (04:07)
[113:24] 48. ID – ID (01:21)
[114:45] 49. Magnetic Man feat. Katy B – Perfect Stranger (04:49)

Magnetic Man - I Need Air



Groove Armada - Purple Haze

sa inceapa weekendul!

30 July 2010

22 July 2010


shi azi ma mai gandesc la ei ca la un gliuk

21 July 2010

Deva Premal - Jai Radha Madhav

somn ushor

Ф. М. Достоевский - Двойник

daca tot n-o pot citi decat in romana, franceza sau engleza, de ce sa n-o ascult in original?


Orange Blossom - Desert Dub

e bine cunoscut, dub-ul creste cel mai bine in desert :)
iata si linku spre el


mergeti aici pu a asculta toate chestiile astea minunate in live ;)

Aural Float - Still Here

Vibrasphere - Tierra Azul

The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart.

Sigur Rós - Untitled #1

sa plangi pana uiti...

20 July 2010

08 July 2010


...And when that first frog shimmied out of the water and employed its vocal cords in order to attract a meteor to retard a predator, do you think that that frog ever imagined that that incipient croak... would evolve into all the languages of the world, into all the literature of the world? Of course it fucking didn't. And just as that froggy could never possibly have conceived of Shakespeare... so we can never possibly imagine our destiny. [Naked script]

Carbon Based Lifeforms - Photosynthesis

am sentimentul ca-mi lipseste ceva
ascultand piesa asta m-am gandit ca, poate, daca floricelele au nevoie de soare pu fotosinteza, am si eu nevoie de ceva mai multa lumina si dragoste pu ca sa incep a inflori
ciudat sentiment
am totul si totusi, mai imi lipseste ceva, ceva mic, neimportant dar care ar schimba mult lucrurile..

06 July 2010

Dirty Projectors + Bjork - Mount Wittenberg Orca

another amazing hint from my friend Max :)to gownload go here

Subcarpati - Cand a fost la `89

ei iata inca o descoperire mare pu ziua de azi, foarte mishto piesa, ashtept shi caut shi sper sa gasesc mai mult din ei

Cum ai fost tu Romanie,
au mai fost si alte tari.
Au mai fost si or sa fie
si aici si peste mari.

Strofa 1

Pelinel cu strop de roua,
cand a fost la `89...
Nu au mai putut rabda,
haiducii au umplut strada,
ca nu vor securitate
si ratia din gostate.
Nu au mai putut rabda,
haiducii au umplut strada,
ca nu vor securitate
si ratia din gostate.

Strofa 2

Veneau flacai din uzine
precum un roi de albine,
dar prin ei erau iscoade
de-n torceau vorbele toate
De-n torceau vorbele toate, of, of, ca d-aia mor.

Strofa 3
A fost neica in `89,
si au mai inca vreo doua.
Si deodata ce-auzea...
Biciu parca ropotea,
Kalasnikovu` tintea,
T.V-ul televiza.
Voinicii se iau la tranta
In televiziune, canta
cucuveaua dorului...

Cum ai fost tu Romanie,
au mai fost si alte tari.
Au mai fost si or sa fie
si aici si peste mari

Birdy Nam Nam - Trans Boulogne Express


Sebastien Tellier - Look

cel mai sexy video văzut de vreun an încoace pu o piesa minunată

04 July 2010

The Model - In the Night

sometimes, the power's in the night
here's a magnificent night bird, a very special men with special needs
The Model

Moderat live @ Arenele Romane

am reushit! primul concert cu atata lume (multa, totushi, dupa parerea mea) shi n-am leshinat, sih n-am od-it, shi n-o fost strashnica decat bucuria care era in mine din a vedea shi auzi atat magie!
iaka kiar multsumesc!

30 June 2010

Kick Bong - Something Better

one song, three vids :) enjoy!

Trentemoller - Into the great wide yonder

Trentemoller has a new album "Into the great wide yonder" you can downloag it here

01. The Mash and the Fury
02. Sycamore Feeling
03. Past the Beginning of the End
04. Shades of Marble
05. ...Even Though You're With Another Girl
06. Haxan
07. Metamorphis
08. Silver Surfer, Ghost Rider Go!!!
09. Neverglade
10. Tide

love, cris :*

Ugress - New Shoes Escape Manoeuvre

va felicit cu sarbatoarea Ugressului!&amp;amp;amp;lt;a href="http://ugress.bandcamp.com/track/new-shoes-escape-manoeuvre-2"&amp;amp;amp;gt;New Shoes Escape Manoeuvre by Ugress&amp;amp;amp;lt;/a&amp;amp;amp;gt;

28 June 2010

Zorg - Lady

o piesa tare dulce de la Zorg cu poze din Alastair Magnaldo


azi joaca Olanda shi-mi place tare de ea, nu doar pu ca e tsara in care libertatea e cuvantul care i se asociaza cel mai bine, nu doar pu ca acolo imi vad petrecutsi anii tineretsii (trecute) shi batranetsii (yet to be), ci pu ca e tsara la pronuntsia numelui careia imi zambeshte cel mai mult THC-ul (la tema asta: mi-am luat azi "Bong"-ul lui Alexandru Vakulovski shi's mandra de mine)

azi voi bea bere cu Jack shi ma voi bucura pu o tsara care nu-i a mea

25 June 2010

decand cu netul, nu mai simt necesitatea sa gandesc
nici pana la el nu faceam eforturi intelectuale exagerate dar de catsiva ani chiar stagnez.

Bird Of Prey - Atrium

Bird Of Prey opened fot Ott in June, interesting stuff he's got on this album, enjoyto download the album click here

18 June 2010

no beginning and no end, just love

despre creatsie shi dragoste

ma gandeam la Chuck, mi-am amintit de citata asta din el shi am cazut pe ganduri, cum putem crea ceva ce va dura daca totul (parca) a fost deja creat
defapt, postmodernitatea asta face, carpeshte din ce a fost, ironico-patetico-intertextual shi ii rupe, pe unii, pe altsii ii lasa rece, pe cei cu numarul trei ii dezoleaza
ei shi ce-i de facut, cum de facut?
cred c-am gasit :)
de IUBIT!!!
ca dragostea e o creatsie, o nashtere, in fiece clipa, a ceva nou, minunat, inedit