28 April 2010

Diplo - Florida

cand vrei sa te uitsi la soare, sa te simtsi mangaiat de lumina, sa ascultsi caldura, pui asta

Radiohead vs Morcheeba vs Digitalism - Spirit World (mashup)

tare bun mashup asta
merci Natuts
somnic ushor tuturor
a fost o zi interesanta, cam lenesha dar totushi luminoasa :)
fyi e facut de un ciuvak pe nume Gavin Burrell cu situ la rebornidentity
iakasha info pu a dormi linishtit :)

Caribou - Swim

tot muzica magica, multe culori shi multa bucurie

26 April 2010

Angel Tears - Way of the Mystic

albumul de la piratsi

suburbs of Goa

caut, dis-de-dimineatsa, linishtea
o gasesc in oameni, in soare, in caldura shi in muzica
din toate, acuma sunpt prin suburbiile de la Goa

22 April 2010

Bajka - In Wonderland

asha un babah de dragoste AICI
atat de impartsita n-am mai fost de multa vreme
am timp berechet pu o groaza de chestii shi nu reushesc mai nimica, probabil pu ca ma organizez prost dar sunt atatea de citit, de vazut, de ascultat, de scris shi de intseles..
shi eu-asha mica
shi totsi oamenii din creierul meu au trecut la joaca, nu mai lucreaza decat unu, shi acela-i surmenat.. )

21 April 2010


patrudouăzeci in live

Peace Orchestra - Shining

senzual shi pashnic, ca o ploitsa

Serenity tree - Anna

in fatsa casei, la Buiucani, am un copac, ii spun Anna, e frumoasa shi gingasha, e copacul care imi aduce linishte, imi lipseshte, azi mai mult ca niciodata, vreau linishte, sunt stresata shi-i aiurea...

20 April 2010

Ultimate Drum'N'Bass

once upon a time there was:
this album changed my life!
here are some tracks, feel free to help me out with the once missing, tnx ;)

1. The Art Of Noise - Something Always Happens (Doc Scott Mix)

2. System Seven - Big Sky City (Jacob's Optical Stairway Mix)

(pu album AICI)

3. Children of Dub - Outer Space (Drum & Bass Mix)

4. Spahn Anch - The Mark Inside (Hustler's Mix)

5. Aqualite - Endorphine

6. T.H.C - Mind Over Matter (Instrumental Mix)
no link

7. Surface ten - Element (Foundation Mix)
no link

8. UVX Rays - Rays Ruby Fruit Jungle

9. Dr. Impurity - Temple
no link

10. Space Ship Eyes? Mind The Allen (DJ Pen Mix)
no link

11. Transmutator - Purification (Floating Mix)
no link

12. 7th Heaven - Lucid Dreams
no link

13. C.Q. - Tranquility

14. Kinder Atom - Run In Our Light (Live Mix)
no link


atentsie cu ce va jucatsi

Groundation - What Could Have Been

revin incet la origini, imi incalzesc oasele cu nishte roots reggae

fraza zilei...

.. destul de popish dar totushi, ma fascineaza..

"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"

despre vise

am visat noaptea trecuta ca mi-am uitat adaptatorul de la priza americana pu comp la Chishinau, m-am trezit, mi-am pus al doilea adaptator in rucsac shi am venit la Iashi
aici am realizat ca l-am pierut pe primul cu adevarat, l-am scos pe al doilea shi l-am pus shi acuma, gratsie visului meu ciudat, am comp care merge
asha sunt visele, mai reale decat realitatea, mai adevarat decat adevarul :)
ciudate shi feerice

19 April 2010

16 April 2010

Aufgang - Live

real passion, real music

1. Channel 7
2. 3 Vitesses
3. Barock
4. Sonar
5. Prélude du passé
6. Good Generation
7. Aufgang + Soumission

15 April 2010

love explosion

O suflete,
Iti faci prea multe griji.
Ti-ai vazut puterea.
Ti-ai vazut frumusetea.
Ti-ai vazut aripile aurite.
De ce oare iti faci atatea griji?
Adevar iti spun, tu esti
Sufletul sufletului sufletului.

UNKLE ft Ian Brown - Be There (Live)

I love and respect UNKLE, their music and the copyrights that go with it BUT it can't stop me, sorry
just be there and you'll see

14 April 2010

I made it here

nu shtiu cum dar am ajuns la Iashi, nu m-am pierdut in drum, nu m-am pierdut in orash, nu m-am pierdut in camin, m-am regasit in multe.
acuma stau in biblioteca shi ashtept ceva magic
let the show begin!

11 April 2010

09 April 2010

Teddy shi-o tras album nou :)

shi eu ma bucur shi iaka teaserul shi ashteptam, 26 aprilie e degarba :)


buni baietsii ashtia
acuma scot 004 shi am vrut sa-l postez
003 es hi el la ei pe site il putetsi scoate :)
acum 004 IAKA

Delphic - Submission

from Evi with passion

Husky Rescue - Other World (remixes and Rarities)

a remix (with Bonobo, Vector Lovers, Fink, etc.) of the ride into the sun!
pure magic!!!

1. City Lights (Vector Lovers radio mix)
2. Diamonds in the Sky (Tunng remix)
3. Last Dance
4. Summertime Cowboy (Serge Santiago version)
5. Diamonds in the Sky (Emperor Machine remix)
6. New Light of Tomorrow (Reprise)
7. New Light of Tomorrow (Evil 9 remix)
8. Caravan (Serge Santiago version)
9. Nightless Night (Fink remix)
10. Poison
11. New Light of Tomorrow (Bonobo remix)
12. Black Umbrella
13. Sweet Little Kitten (Acoustic Session)
14. Gasoline Girl (Acoustic Session)
15. New Light of Tomorrow (Acoustic Session)

08 April 2010

Camilla Munck - Speak My Name

a trip into purity, creata de Kenneth Bager, o piesa minunata pu o seara calda de joi

Tomato - Videotape (Tomato Remix)

foarte tare piesa asta
merci t61 ;)

Tom Ato - Videotape (Tomato Remix).mp3

Consciousness - an animation of Spirit

foarte tare animatia asta
pune pe ganduri..

Evi Apostolou

the artist of the day: Evi Apostolou


From the unit ' Boundaries at the age of surreal' 2009 / A chip implant under the skin of a man’s hand. A storage, update and identification device of all the personal data of its owner.

2.Evil fly

From the unit ' Boundaries at the age of surreal' 2009 / An evil fly, a cyborg insect which aims at you with a nano-scale gun. A seemingly harmless creature that is being transformed into a murder tool. A symbol of human hunger for control and power.

3.Green technology

From the unit ' Boundaries at the age of surreal' 2009 /Green technology surrounded by old technology industries, harmful for the environment . Pollution leads to purification and ends to pollution again. A vicious cycle, a dead end.

if you want more, visit Evi's website HERE

Maria Mirabela

copilaria traieshte aici :)

Timothy Leary!

If you don't like what you're doing, you can always pick up your needle and move to another groove!
- Timothy Leary

fyi Dr. Timothy Francis Leary (October 22, 1920 – May 31, 1996) was an American writer, psychologist, futurist, and advocate of psychedelic drug research. An icon of 1960s counterculture, Leary is most famous as a proponent of the therapeutic, spiritual and emotional benefits of LSD. He coined and popularized the catch phrase "Turn on, tune in, drop out."

iata shi un filmulets despre Timothy Leary - Timothy Leary's last trip

Doctor Flake - Minder Surprises

descoperit-am astazi ca acest drag Doctor Flake e un DJ/producator/compositor francez care se joaca in registrul Hip-Hop, Abstract Hip-Hop shi Trip-Hop, asemanator la tripuri cu
* Dirty Elegance
* Chinese Man
* Abstrackt Keal Agram
* Wax Tailor
* Sporto Kantes
* Cirkus
* EZ3kiel
sa enjoym deci impreuna!

Mt Eden Dubstep - Sierra Leone

azi dimineatsa - dor de bass, de beaturi, de vibratsii

07 April 2010

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience."

-Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Quantum physics, music, & consciousness

quantum physics,
and our attunement to the vibrations of the universe

Wax Tailor - Trax 134 (2010)

vreau sa va puuuuuuuuuuuup shi sa va dau Wax, mult Wax din Trax , cu drag, shi dor, shi caldura, shi curcubeu AICI

Alice, again

David Bowie - I'm Deranged

mi-am amintit de Lost Highway, de vise shi amintiri pierdure, intentsionat, de tripuri ciudate, de oameni, multsi oameni
tacere, multa tacere

06 April 2010

Irvine Welsh

nice interview

Def Beat Remixes Vol 5 Present - Men From U.N.K.L.E

Tricky - Slow (Utah Jazz Drum N Bass Remix)

nice D'n'B mix of Tricky's Slow

Isaac Hayes (Black Moses, The Man)

cine are chef sa calatoreasca prin Tracks, poftim-pojalusta Tracks


Reggae New Generation / raggabund

in emisiunea Tracks de pe postul francezo-german Arte, un reportaj despre Damian Marley shi reggae-ul social care denintsa exploatarea, volentsa shi coruptsi ain Jamaica

you're unique, you the only one who creates magic

02 April 2010

live before you die


sa aveti o calatorie fericita in sarbatoare

sa va mearga bine, sa vi se aprinda luminile in suflet shi caldura in inima!
cu dragoste shi respect, cris