From the unit ' Boundaries at the age of surreal' 2009 / A chip implant under the skin of a man’s hand. A storage, update and identification device of all the personal data of its owner.
From the unit ' Boundaries at the age of surreal' 2009 / A chip implant under the skin of a man’s hand. A storage, update and identification device of all the personal data of its owner.

2.Evil fly
From the unit ' Boundaries at the age of surreal' 2009 / An evil fly, a cyborg insect which aims at you with a nano-scale gun. A seemingly harmless creature that is being transformed into a murder tool. A symbol of human hunger for control and power.

3.Green technology
From the unit ' Boundaries at the age of surreal' 2009 /Green technology surrounded by old technology industries, harmful for the environment . Pollution leads to purification and ends to pollution again. A vicious cycle, a dead end.
From the unit ' Boundaries at the age of surreal' 2009 /Green technology surrounded by old technology industries, harmful for the environment . Pollution leads to purification and ends to pollution again. A vicious cycle, a dead end.

if you want more, visit Evi's website HERE
...and even more... gggrrrr !!!!! I hope i will never be born again but i do not have a big chance for it unfortunately :)