27 February 2009

Waking Life

Now, what you’ve seen here is the evolution of populations, not so much the evolution of individuals. And in addition, if you look at the time scales that are involved here — two billion years for life, six million years for the hominid, 100,000 years for mankind as we know it — you’re beginning to see the telescoping nature of the evolutionary paradigm. And then when you get to agricultural, when you get to scientific revolution and industrial revolution, you’re looking at 10,000 years, 400 years, 150 years. Uou’re seeing a further telescoping of this evolutionary time. What that means is that as we go through the new evolution, it’s gonna telescope to the point we should be able to see it manifest itself within our lifetime, within this generation.

The new evolution stems from information, and it stems from two types of information: digital and analog. The digital is artificial intelligence. The analog results from molecular biology, the cloning of the organism. And you knit the two together with neurobiology. Before on the old evolutionary paradigm, one would die and the other would grow and dominate. But under the new paradigm, they would exist as a mutually supportive, noncompetitive grouping. Okay, independent from the external.

And what is interesting here is that evolution now becomes an individually centered process, emanating from the needs and desires of the individual, and not an external process, a passive process where the individual is just at the whim of the collective. So, you produce a neo-human, okay, with a new individuality and a new consciousness. But that’s only the beginning of the evolutionary cycle because as the next cycle proceeds, the input is now this new intelligence. As intelligence piles on intelligence, as ability piles on ability, the speed changes. Until what? Until we reach a crescendo in a way could be imagined as an enormous instantaneous fulfillment of human, human and neo-human potential. It could be something totally different. It could be the amplification of the individual, the multiplication of individual existences. Parallel existences now with the individual no longer restricted by time and space.

And the manifestations of this neo-human-type evolution, manifestations could be dramatically counter-intuitive. That’s the interesting part. The old evolution is cold. It’s sterile. It’s efficient, okay? And its manifestations of those social adaptations. We’re talking about parasitism, dominance, morality, okay? Uh, war, predation, these would be subject to de-emphasis. These will be subject to de-evolution. The new evolutionary paradigm will give us the human traits of truth, of loyalty, of justice, of freedom. These will be the manifestations of the new evolution. And that is what we would hope to see from this. That would be nice.

am fost ca El-P

I'm a young man
I want happy
We deserve that
Dream collapsing
I'm just one man
So damn angry
True confusion
Scared what truth is
Hide ya face
Say "hi, horseman"
Highest stakes
High again
Well, how 'bout that?
Well, how the fuck else can I react?

da trece asta şi devii mai...cuminte ;)


lucrurile bune pe care le facem, tot ceea ce dăm, share-uim, ascultăm, tot ceea ce cuprindem cu ochii, inima, sufletul, mintea şi braţele, toata puterea energiei care circulă între oameni zi de zi, toată magia pe care oamenii o pot face unii pu alţii, tot sensul pe care îl poţi pune într-o frază, într-o privire, într-o mângâiere, într-o emoţie pe care o dai, o împarţi, o creezi, din asta se naşte primăvara, din asta se nasc florile şi păsările şi curcubeul şi dimineaţa şi lumina. din asta ne naştem noi zilnic... :) ce tare


ieri am născut ideea că sus, peste realitatea vieţilor noastre, peste realitatea imaginară a Universului, undeva la marginea infinutului este o oglindă mare în care se reflectă toata energia pe care o transmitem noi prin gânduri, fapte, atitudini, sentimente şi trăiri. aceasta revine spre noi şi spre toţi care sunt în comunicare cu noi pentru a-i lumina, ajuta şi face fericiţi în cazul în care energia este pozitivă. aceasta luminează cotidianul nostru şi ne permite să o retrimitem şi ne revine şi se duce şi vine şi circuitul ăsta e infinit. aceasă oglindă ne permite să vedem lumea şi să-i dăm dragoste pu a primi dragote la rândul nostru tot din ea.
dacă fixezi imaginea aceastei oglinzi imaginare şi nu uiţi de ea atunci când ai gânduri urâte - încerci să te debarasezi de acestea pu ca ele pot reveni asupra ta, pot polua aura ta şi tu nu vrei asta.
în cazul asta dai doar dragoste şi lumină pu ca asta îţi doreşti să primeşti din oglindă.
şi Jah stă de partea aialaltă a oglinzii şi ne zâmbeşte :)

10 - Pur.mp3

26 February 2009

mass destruction

Whether long range weapon or suicide bomber
Wicked mind is a weapon of mass destruction
Whether you're soar away sun or BBC 1
Disinformation is a weapon of mass destruc
You could a Caucasian or a poor Asian
Racism is a weapon of mass destruction
Whether inflation or globalization
Fear is a weapon of mass destruction
Whether Halliburton or Enron or anyone
Greed is a weapon of mass destruction
We need to find courage, overcome
Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction

Porn Sword Tobacco

Porn Sword Tobacco - Porn Sword Tobacco is Henrik Jonsson from Gothenburg. He has recorded under a few different names, but it was not until summer 2004 that this particular project came together.

Experimental, ambient, electronic, modern classical and leftfield producer from Sweden, his artist name is apparently the name of a shop at the edge of a forest in his home country, which sells exactly those three products.


25 February 2009


Nous admettons que la vie psychique est la fonction d'un appareil auquel nous attribuons une étendue spatiale et que nous supposons formé de plusieurs parties...

C'est l'étude de l'évolution des individus qui nous a permis de connaître cet appareil psychique. Nous donnons à la plus ancienne de ces provinces ou instances psychiques le nom de CA; son contenu comprend tout ce que l'être apporte en naissant, tout ce qui a été constitutionnellement déterminé, donc avant tout les pulsions émanées de l'organisation somatique et qui trouvent dans le ça, sous des formes qui nous restent inconnues, un premier mode d'expression psychique.

Sous l'influence du monde extérieur réel qui nous environne, une fraction du ça subit une évolution particulière. A partir de la couche corticale originelle pourvue d'organes aptes à percevoir les excitations ainsi qu'à se protéger contre elles, une organisation spéciale s'établit qui, dès lors, va servir d'intermédiaire entre le ça et l'extérieur. C'est à cette fraction du psychisme que nous donnons le nom de MOI.

Caractères principaux du moi.- Par suite de relations déjà établies entre la perception sensorielle et les actions musculaires, le moi dispose du contrôle des mouvements volontaires. Il assure l'auto-conservation et pour ce qui concerne l'extérieur, remplit sa tâche en apprenant à connaître les excitations, en accumulant (dans la mémoire) les expériences qu'elles lui fournissent, en évitant les excitations trop fortes (par la fuite), en s'accomodant des excitations modérées (par l'adaptation), enfin en arrivant à modifier, de façon appropriée et à son avantage, le monde extérieur (activité). Au-dedans, il mène une action contre le ça en acquérant la maîtrise des exigences pulsionnelles et en décidant si celles-ci peuvent être satisfaites ou s'il convient de différer cette satisfaction jusqu'au moment plus favorable ou encore s'il faut les étouffer tout à fait. Dans son activité le moi est guidé par la prise en considération des tensions provoquées par les excitations du dedans et du dehors. Un accroissement de tension provoque généralement du déplaisir, sa diminution engendre du plaisir. Toutefois le déplaisir ou le plaisir ne dépendent probablement pas du degré absolu des tensions mais plutôt du rythme des variations de ces dernières. Le moi tend vers le plaisir et cherche à éviter le déplaisir...

Durant la longue période d'enfance qu'il traverse et pendant laquelle il dépend de ses parents, l'individu en cours d'évolution voit se former, comme par une sorte de précipité, dans son moi une instance particulière par laquelle se prolonge l'influence parentale. Cette instance, c'est le SURMOI. Dans la mesure où le sur-moi se détache du moi ou s'oppose à lui, il constitue une troisième puissance dont le moi est obligé de tenir compte.

Est considéré comme correct tout comportement du moi qui satisfait à la fois les exigences du ça, du sur-moi et de la réalité, ce qui se produit quand le moi réussit à concilier ces diverses exigences... Ce n'est évidemment pas la seule personnalité des parents qui agit sur l'enfant, mais, transmise par eux, l'influence des traditions familiales, raciales et nationales ainsi que les exigences du milieu social immédiat qu'ils représentent...On voit qu'en dépit de leur différence, le ça et le sur-moi ont un point commun, tous deux, en effet, représentent le rôle du passé,

le ça, celui de l'hérédité, tandis que le moi, lui, est surtout déterminé par ce qu'il a lui-même vécu, c'est-à-dire par l'accidentel, l'actuel...

Freud, Abrégé de psychanalyse (1938)

24 February 2009


mă întreb dacă suntem, cum credeam până a-mi pune întrebarea adineauri, învelişuri de materie menite să protejeze energia (sufletul, chakrele, lumina...) din noi sau schelete facăute pentru a crea, multplica, stoca, emana, transmite şi, defapt, crea aura asta care este omul cu adevărat.

to be continued...

Nightmares on Wax

Nightmares on Wax au album nou

23 February 2009

Doppelgänger - Dublul


Doppelgänger or "Fetch" is the ghostly double of a living person, a sinister form of bilocation.
In the vernacular, "Doppelgänger" has come to refer (as in German) to any double or look-alike of a person. The word is also used to describe the sensation of having glimpsed oneself in peripheral vision, in a position where there is no chance that it could have been a reflection. They are generally regarded as harbingers of bad luck. In some traditions, a doppelgänger seen by a person's friends or relatives portends illness or danger, while seeing one's own doppelgänger is an omen of death. In Norse mythology, a vardøger is a ghostly double who precedes a living person and is seen performing their actions in advance.

Doppelgängers, as dark doubles of individual identities, appear in a variety of fictional works from Fyodor Dostoyevsky's The Double to Season of Migration to the North to Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man. In its simplest incarnation, mistaken identity is a classic trope used in literature, from Twelfth Night to A Tale of Two Cities. But in these cases, the characters look similar for perfectly normal reasons, such as being siblings or simple coincidence.
Some stories offer supernatural explanations for doubles. These doppelgängers are typically, but not always, evil in some way. The double will often impersonate the victim and go about ruining them, for instance through committing crimes or insulting the victim's friends. Sometimes, the double even tries to kill the original. The torment is occasionally earned; for instance, in Edgar Allan Poe's short story William Wilson, the protagonist of questionable morality is dogged by his doppelgänger most tenaciously when his morals fail. When doppelgängers are used as harbingers of impending destruction, they are almost always supernaturally based. Some works of fantasy include shapeshifters, as either talented individuals or as a separate race, who can mimic any person.
In some myths, the doppelganger is a version of the Ankou, a personification of death; in a tradition of the Talmud, to meet himself means to meet God.
Another variant, usually seen in science fiction, involves clones, which creates a genetically identical new being without the memories and experiences of the original. Some futuristic variants in fiction duplicate living beings in their entirety, albeit sometimes with modified memories and motives.
Doubles are also seen in fiction involving time travel and parallel universes, as in the motion picture Back to the Future Part II. In this case, the doppelgänger really "is" the doubled person, but from a different timeline or different version of the universe.

22 February 2009

Omul de Tinichea (cu inima de lumină)

sooo, merg azi la concert. vreau să-l share-uiesc pe omul, artistul defapt, pentru care voi ieşi din cartierul meu natal - Omul de Tinichea

Download 1
Download 2

20 February 2009

Dark Side of me ;)

nu intenţionam să fac asta pu ca vedeam blogul meu un loc foarte paşnic, aproape imaculat, lipsit de "partea sumbră a lumii" şi uite ca azi s-a trezit în mine "bestia" energiei. dacă tot e un blog de share-uiala, va dau şi asta. de enjoyt fără moderaţie ;)

Se numeshte baiatu asta: B Soul
Genre: Drum’n'Bass (Dark side), Breakcore, Darkstep
Length: 48:24
Bitrate: 128 kbps
Size: 42 MB
Mood: rupe bashnea


We Created Our Own Happiness


The Rastafari movement (also known as Rastafari, Rastafarianism or simply Rasta) is a monotheistic, Abrahamic, new religious movement that accepts Haile Selassie I, the former Emperor of Ethiopia, as the incarnation of God, called Jah or Jah Rastafari. Haile Selassie is also seen as part of the Holy Trinity and as the returned messiah promised in the Bible.

Other characteristics of Rastafari include the spiritual use of cannabis, rejection of western society (called "Babylon"), and various Afrocentric social and political aspirations, such as the teachings of Jamaican publicist, organizer, and black separatist Marcus Garvey (also often regarded as a prophet), whose political and cultural vision helped inspire Leonard Howell to develop the foundations of this new world view. The Rastafari movement predominantly emerged in Jamaica in the 20th century, and it proclaims Africa (also "Zion") as the original place where the body of the first man was found, which established independency among blacks.

The name Rastafari comes from Ras (literally "Head," an Ethiopian title equivalent to Duke), and Tafari Makonnen, the pre-coronation name of Haile Selassie I. Rastafari is commonly called "Rastafarianism", but this term is considered derogatory and offensive by Rastas themselves.

19 February 2009

Glande pinéale

La glande pinéale fut la dernière des glandes endocrines dont la fonction fut identifiée. Cela explique sans doute les spéculations tant physiologiques que métaphysiques qui ont entouré son rôle supposé central dans la pensée du fait de sa position dans l'encéphale.

La plus célèbre de ces théories est sans doute celle du philosophe français René Descartes qui désigna la glande pinéale comme le « siège » de l'âme. Pour justifier cette hypothèse, Descartes se basait sur le fait que la glande pinéale aurait été l'unique organe de la tête à n'être pas conjugué, c'est-à-dire ne se présentant pas sous une forme de paire d'organes symétriques situés de part et d'autre du plan sagittal. Par ailleurs outre sa position centrale, la glande pinéale se trouve juste au dessus de l'aqueduc de Sylvius dont Descartes pensait qu'il guidait les esprits animaux qui faisaient naître les sensations dans l'âme en frappant la glande pinéale. Aujourd'hui, les études histologiques ont montré que la glande pinéale est bien un organe conjugué mais les deux hémisphères qui la constituent sont presque fusionnés.

Dans la mythologie védique du Yoga, la glande pinéale est associée, tantôt au chakra Ajna ou 3e œil, tantôt au Sahasrara ou chakra de la couronne, situé au sommet du crâne. Dans la plupart des interprétations du Discordianisme la glande pinéale est supposée servir d'organe de communication avec la déesse Eris, et est tenue pour sécréter du DMT (diméthyltryptamine), une substance psychotrope hallucinogène qui jouerait un rôle dans les rêves. La glande pinéale est parfois aussi appelée « le troisième œil atrophié ». D'après Paul Foster Case, la glande pinéale est la « montagne » de la Bible où se fait la communication avec le Très Haut : Moïse reçoit les tables de la loi « sur la montagne », d'un point de vue ésotérique, cette montagne ne serait autre que le siège de la glande pinéale.

Portishead - Anna

18 February 2009

Little Dragon - Twice

mă gândeam la sentimente, la întreaga paletă a sentimentelor umane. nu poţi iubi, plăcea sau aprecia două persoane în acelaşi fel. sentimentele, după mine, sunt unice. şi dacă simţi o anume chestie în raport cu o persoană, doar în relaţia cu ea se trezeşe un anume feeling. feelingul asta special, legat de cineva în particular poate reveni în anumite circumstanţe. legat de amintiri sau locuri şi, dacă e practicat pozitiv, retăieşti tot sau trezeşte o întragă poveste nouă în care tot tu eşti, cum ai şi fost, unul din personajele principale. ştii finalul real dar poţi oricâd face un altul. sentimentul (cu toată gama asta de energie care-i ested ataşată) e unic, oricâte poveşti n-ai scrie... şi defapt scrii poveşti doar despre oameni la care ţii nu? oamenii aştia care ţi-au schimbat viaţa, care te-au facut mai bun, mai luminos, mai deştept, mai empatic, mai darnic, mai frumos - oamenii care formează arborele genealogic al vieţii tale. mele... nostre

'Neatsa cu Thievery Corporation

vreau să am o zi plină de lumină, energie, soare, dragoste, sharing, enjoyment, să fiu free thinking şi forward marching. pu a ajunge la asta, un început cu Thievery Corporation e perfect, nu? :) miau :*

17 February 2009


am mai scriu, mai scriu şi voi mai scrie despre ele. mare minune a ... naturii /ştiinţei /artei /omului

Kick Bong - Something Better

prietena şi colega mea Nata a fost inspirata azi şi mi-a dat share la cum vede ea lumea de "acolo".
în piesa asta de Kick Bong aud: "Yes, there is a worls out there, and even if you decide you don't want to meet it, it's still going to hit you right in the face. Best you start thinking about the world right now, and what the world means to you. What does the world mean to you? " şi m-am uitat la ce-a făcut Nata, şi am înţeles ce înseamnă lumea pu ea, şi mă tot gândesc ce înseamnă lumea pu mine...
Muzica by Kick Bong
Video by Nata

Hallucinogen la bis

Shulman - Inner Selves


Un album minunat pu călătoriile cotidiene. Enjoy!

16 February 2009

seara de azi ...

City lights

Timelapse movie of some 30 hours "Blinkenlights Reloaded" (Blinkenlights is a hacker's neologism for diagnostic lights on old mainframe computers and modern network hardware.)

Alex Cosmescu - stăm aşa

corp lângă corp
pe trepte /

mâinile noastre repetă
aceleaşi gesturi
cei care trec pe alături
sunt nişte nori

stăm aşa la întâmplare
noaptea asta ne taie
stăm aşa la întâmplare
tresărim când ne dăm seama
sunt alături unii care
îşi poartă tristeţile în lesă

13 February 2009

Florin - Love & Hate Interlude - Live Session

în cazuri speciale cauţi modalităţi speciale de exprimare. pentru a exprima ce simţi atunci când asculţi o piesa care îţi porneşte şi îţi sfarşeşte ziua, care te transfigurează în lumină, energie şi dragoste din tot haosul cotidian, nu poţi decât să cauţi o imagine în care ai vedea simbolul acelei transfigurări şi să cauţ piesa în embed pentru a o pune aici. pu ca să te asigui că este în şi zona asta, mai puţin secretă, a fiinţei tale...
să le pui şi să te minunezi de faptul că e realitate, că e una din frumoasele întâmplări ale vieţii, întâmplări care te-au făcut să cunoşti sunete, culori, trăiri sau strări de profundă empatie cu imensitatea minunii lumii...

powered by ODEO

David Bowie - I'm Deranged

Cybo - o perspectivă minunată asupra meditaţiei

Cybo - Rendered Senseless
password - niceolum.nnm.ru

Cybo’s electronic project began in 2004. She began experimenting by meshing her piano, guitar playing and pulsating vocals with distorted electronic drum beats and thick layered ambient pads. Her music gives off a sense of diversity/chaos/beauty/form of expression. Taking it even further and beyond the surreal ambient atmosphere already conveyed through her music.

12 February 2009

Vibrasphere - Sweet September

ultima piesa care a reuşit să-mi dea sentimentul libertăţii şi dorinţei de ceva. piesa care mi-a redat încredera în mâine. pu că mâine viu face dublu click pe ea şi ea va suna, profund şi sigur în căştile mele mari, pu că ea ştie ce vreau...

Do we share the same dream?..

Mă tot întreb dacă pot oameni diferiţi să aibă acelaşi vis... dacă, fiind în stari de spirit similare, oamenii pot interacţiona în aşa fel încât să vadă acleaşi imagini, să trăiască aceleaşi stări şi să meargă pe aceleaşi căi în vis. dacă este posibil, atunci aceşti oameni ar avea extrem de multe chestii în comun, nu? ar putea discuta ore în şir despre forma şi conţinutul trăirilor lor? cred că oamenii care utilizează aceeaşi muzică, cărţi, filme, locuri, modalităţi de a-şi exprima trăirile au toate şansele să fie un gen aparte de gemeni - gemeni ai viselor...
pu cei care vor să împartă visul meu de azi - Abakus - We share the same dream

7 Teardrop covers

1) Jamie Cullum

2) Mika

3) Incubus

4) Our Lady Peace

5) Elbow

6) Newton Faulkner

7) José González


L'hypothèse Gaïa est une théorie très controversée, fortement développée dans les courants New Age, initialement avancée par James Lovelock en 1969, mais également évoquée par Johannes Kepler dès le XVII -e siècle, selon laquelle l'ensemble des êtres vivants surTerre (ou sur toute planète sur laquelle la vie s'est développée) formerait un vaste organisme appelé Gaïa (d'après le nom de la déesse grecque (voir aussi Théories Gaïa), réalisant l'autorégulation de ses divers éléments (par exemple, la composition chimique de l'atmosphère) en faveur des conditions de la vie.

Le terme générique théories Gaïa fait référence à un ensemble d'hypothèses et de théories selon lesquelles :

  • les êtres vivants ont une influence sur la totalité de la planète sur laquelle ils se trouvent ;
  • l'écosphère a développé une autorégulation (point non contesté même hors hypothèse Gaïa); l'existence de chaque être vivant est alors supposée régulée au profit de l'ensemble de l'écosphère (hypothèse proprement Gaïa) ;
  • le système autorégulé constitué par la totalité des êtres vivants (biomasse) et des constituants non vivants composant la masse totale de la Terre, et sans doute aussi le rayonnement solaire extérieur, possède des mécanismes internes pouvant le faire considérer comme un être vivant, conformément au paradigme cybernétique. Celui-ci est nommé par convention Gaïa par allusion à la déesse mère grecque.

11 February 2009


Nu sunt conflicte în curcubeu, nu? El conţine o sumedenie de culori, tonuri, semi-tonuri, semi-semi-tonuri culori mixate şi remixate. Unele ne plac şi altele ne plac mai puţin însă ele toate nu conflictează, ele nu pot fi separate pentru că ele sunt toate parte din fiinţa curcubeului. Doar delectarea unei persoane în parte cu o culoare anume, poate face ca acesta să o prefere în defavoarea celorlalte. De ce în viaţă nu e lafel? De ce în cotidian diferenţa (rasială, dar nu doar ea) îi poate aduce unuia atâta durere şi disconfort? De ce acceptăm oamenii care au aceeaşi culoare ca noi? De ce nu am putea accepta toată paleta şi contempla multitudinea de diferenţe care ne-ar putea uni?

The Divine Mother

The Divine Mother is the feminine aspect of the God. In one sense God is beyond both Male and Female, but it can be said that God has different aspects and different manifestations. The Divine Mother is associated with the qualities of compassion and forgiveness. It is said that it is easier to please the Divine Mother than it is to please the masculine aspect of God.

The Divine Mother plays a prominent role in Eastern religions, especially Hinduism. Christianity does not place so much emphasis on the female aspect of God, although some venerate highly the Virgin Mary and see this as an aspect of God.

There are four major aspects of the Mother Divine. Maheshwari, Maha Kali, Maha Saraswati, and Maha Lakshmi. These different aspects of the transcendental Mother have different qualities and perform different functions.

10 February 2009

Voice of Resurrection

The universe grows smaller every day. There must be security for all, or no one is secure. It is no concern of ours how you run your own planet. But if you threaten to extend your violence, this Earth of yours will be reduced to a burned-out cinder. Your choice is simple. Join us and live in peace, or pursue your present course and face obliteration. We shall be waiting for your answer. The decision rests with you.


L'ambient est un genre de musique électronique dont les limites sont difficiles à définir.

Le terme, inventé par Brian Eno, faisait au départ référence à la vocation du genre à constituer une musique d'ambiance ou, plus précisément, une musique "de fond" (Eno avait justement composé un premier album d'ambient intitulé Music For Airports). Par la suite, c'est plus la prédominance des nappes et l'absence de beat qui ont servi à définir le genre.

Le terme reste cependant profondément ancré dans le contexte de la musique planante des années 1970 : Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze, Ash Ra Tempel, Heldon, Brian Eno, Harold Budd, Pink Floyd, mais aussi de la musique classique minimaliste (Steve Reich, Philip Glass notamment, voire Erik Satie ou David Aubrun).

Bien que les sous-genres tendent à se confondre au point que l'on parle génériquement de Downtempo (tempo lent) ou d'Electronica, on peut différencier dans l'ambient quelques esthétiques à peu près homogènes :

5'nizza - Солнце

cât din 24 de ore stăm noi în underground (birou, tunel, casa...) şi cum ne afectează oare lipsa asta de soare? nu vom afla decât prea târziu...

оно светит всем -
вам и нам, тебе и мне,
ему и ей-ей-ей
света нет без теней
тени без света
в ожидании рассвета
где-то лето это
таяли льды
таяли-таяли льды
были мы - и я, и ты
ответа нет
цветы растут растамания
магия цветов
не надо слов
get off
солнце, свети нам,
солнце, свети нам,
солнце, свети нам,
солнце, свети всегда


Timewave zero is a theory that purports to calculate the ebb and flow of novelty in the universe as an inherent quality of time. It is an idea conceived of and discussed at length by Terence McKenna from the early 1970s until his /death in the year 2000. Novelty, in this context, can be thought of as newness, density of complexification, and dynamic change as opposed to static habituation. According to McKenna, when "novelty" is graphed over time, a fractal waveform known as timewave zero or simply the timewave results. The graph shows at what times, but never at what locations, novelty is supposedly increasing or decreasing. According to the timewave graph, great periods of novelty occurred about 4 billion years ago when Earth was formed, 65 million years ago when dinosaurs were extinct and mammals expanded, about 10,000 years ago after the end of the ice age, around late 18th century when social and scientific revolutions progressed, during the sixties, around the time of 9/11 , and with coming novelty periods in November 2008, October 2010, with the novelty progressing towards the infinity on 21st December 2012 — although, depending on what input is given to the software, any arbitrary set of results can be obtained, much like numerology.


Chakra este un cuvînt din limba sanscrită care se traduce prin roată sau disc. Chakra este un concept filosofic care se referă la vîrtejuri în formă de cerc care, conform medicinei indiene tradiţionale, ar exista în corpul uman. Deşi există mulţi susţinător contemporani ai conceptului, din cauza naturii subtile a subiectului, ştiinţa modernă nu a dovedit existenţa sau inexistenţa chakrelor.

În general se crede că există 7 chakre sau centre energetice.

  1. Muladhara (Format:Lang-sa) Chakra Rădăcină (ultimul os al coloanei vertebrale, coccis)
  2. Swadhisthana (Sanskrit: स्वाधिष्ठान, Format:IAST) Chakra Sacrală (ovare/prostată)
  3. Manipura (Sanskrit: मणिपूर, Format:IAST) Chakra plexului solar
  4. Anahata (Format:Lang-sa) Chakra Inimii (zona inimii)
  5. Vishuddha (Format:Lang-sa) Chakra gîtului (zona gîtului)
  6. Ajna (Format:Lang-sa) Brow or Third Eye Chakra
  7. Sahasrara (Format:Lang-sa) Crown Chakra (al treilea ochi)

09 February 2009

The Seven States of Consciousness

1) Sleep state - dreamless, mind & ego asleep.

2) Dream state - REM sleep, mind is active, body asleep.

3) Waking state - typical ‘reality’. In some ways, these first three are really states of mind within a single state of consciousness.

4) Transcendental Consciousness - a state of restful alertness where the mind is awake but quiet, silent but alert. May be experienced less clearly as a blank spot. Typically arises in meditation but can come up almost anywhere. Characterized by cessation of breath (automatically) and brain wave sync. Stepping into and out of this state one may experience a wave of happiness. We are said to step into this momentarily each time we change states above, like a neutral gear. Has been established by scientific research, with a fully definable unique physiology.

5) Cosmic Consciousness - Where Transcendental consciousness becomes full time, beneath waking, dreaming and sleeping states. The ego idea falls away and we become Self, permanently. We are a witness or observer to all activity, including deep sleep (when clear). This is also referred to as first waking or self-realization. Several recent books talk about the transition - while the shift is distinct, various degrees of clearing may be required after. Fully established, it is Sat Chit Ananda, absolute bliss consciousness. The subject of perception is awake but not the object.

6) God Consciousness - also called Celestial Con. or God Realization. With time in above states, finer values of perception develop and the divine heart opens. We come to experience the finest values of creation, the full mechanics of the story of the world. This is a process of refinement and opening so does not have a distinct realization the way CC and UC (next) do. It can begin before first waking and continues indefinitely. It is the awakening of the object, the bridge to Unity.

7) Unity Consciousness - Also Oneness. Characterized by a realization, when the Self is seen in the object, we realize I am That, Thou Art That, All This is That. (Upanishads) The subject-object duality collapses, the dream of God is seen through and all illusion ends. It is characterized by the loss of identity or sense of person, the subconscious driver of the former ego. There is no longer ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ but rather a continuum. The world ‘out there’ ceases to exist. Many paradoxes are resolved in the inclusiveness of the One.

Walk a mile in my shoes

cum ar fi dacă pământul, iarba, cerul, ploaia ar fi trăite de noi? dacă nu ar fi fenomene sau părţi ale naturii care le putem vedea sau simţi ci le-am trăi pe bune? dacă am trăi luni ploaia, marţi vântul, miercuri ceaţa, joi cerul, vineri iarba, sâmbătă luna şi duminica soarele - ar schimba asta oare legătura pe care o am (sau nu o am) cu oamenii, cu natura, cu mine însumi? ar însemna asta oare că nu mai suntem superiori naturii ci parte din ea? cum ar fi asta defapt - o zi a săptămânii egală cu un fenomen care nu ne e propriu - sau ele ne sunt proptii defapt? ploaia - lacrimi. vântul - agitarea. ceaţa - oboseala. cerul - speranţa. iarba - comuniunea. luna - somnul. soarele - entuziasmul. şi dacă zici că eşti iarbă ştii că eşti în comuniune nu doar cu pământul sau cu planta ci şi cu tot ce poate mişuna în ea, cu toţi care calcă pe ea, cu toată apa care o udă, soarele care o încălzeşte şi vântul care o atinge... şi atunci poţi fi tot şi toţi. atunci poţi empatiza cu universul şi el te poate asculta ca pe o respiraţie a sa... da?

08 February 2009

Fight Club

Wordle: Fight Club

The mechanic says, “If you’re male and you’re Christian and living in America, your father is your model for God. And if you never know your father, if your father bails out or dies or is never at home, what do you believe about God?
How Tyler saw it was that getting God’s attention for being bad was better than getting no attention at all. Maybe because God’s hate is better than His indifference.
If you could be either God’s worst enemy or nothing, which would you choose?
We are God’s middle children, according to Tyler Durden, with no special place in history and no special attention.
Unless we get God’s attention, we have no hope of damnation or redemption.
Which is worse, hell or nothing?
Only if we’re caught and punished can we be saved.
“Burn the Louvre,” the mechanic says, “and wipe your ass with the Mona Lisa. This way at least, God would know our names.”

Fight Club, page 141

White Galactic Dog

o stare de comuniune poate fi procurată pe mai multe căi
1 mâine e concert Vibrasphere lângă balconul tău
2 mâine părinţii tăi pleacă în călătorie pentru o săptămână şi tu ai tooot ce tre pentru a te simţi la un concert Vibrasphere lângă balconul tău
3 mâine, ca şi ieri, azi şi tot restul vieţii, vei fi un câine alb galactic după calendarul Maya şi asta e de bine :)
zic ăştia "One of the gifts of White Dog is the calling in and recognition of other companions of destiny. Other beings with the same longing are waiting to meet and acknowledge you - beings who can see you as you authrentically are. When you have truly been seen, you feel empowered, and remembrance of a shared sacred trust is ignited. This is a natural process, divinely designed for recognition through vibrational affinity, freed from personal expectations."
well, spre ca toţi cei care au avut, au sau vor avea cale în energia destinului meu sa fie înzestraţi cu energia pe care la moment o eman în toate 4 părţi ale lumii
Just slide ar spune Marla
Just enjoy zice lumina

linkul pu cei care vor să afle cine sunt după păreria ăstora din Maya

o a patra stare a lichidelor

Reservoir (Fiord Remix)

după acumularea unui număr mare de deja-vu-uri, mă prind la gândul că nu pot fi coincidenţe (chiar dacă nu cred că pot face diferenţă între deja-vu şi simpla coincidenţă) şi mă întreb: poate fi viaţa noastă un rezervor cu informaţii, tăiri, amintiri şi chestii de tot felul în care noi, cotidian, pescuim fragmentele care dorim să le retrăim
dacă avem, fară a ne da seama, telecomanda filmului vieţii noastre - facem oare ce vrem cu ea?

dupa seria de filme despre fizica cuantică, dupa mai multe experienţe frumoase în domeniu, rezultatul e ... under construction...

tre de mers la OZORA pentru a indentifica nucleul realităţii